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Re: Stored Procedures Migartion, ODBC, .NET
Posted by: Josh Chamas
Date: December 29, 2004 02:08PM

Indy De wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to MySQL and have a few questions in line
> with stored procedures and ODBC.
> 1)I am migrating our database from MS SQL server
> to MySQL, I saw the way to do it would be to
> export each table in CSV format and then use the
> importing utility of MySQL DBMS. Is there any
> faster/better way than do each individual tables
> one at a time? How does the relationship between
> my tables get migrated?

Doing a BCP/mysqlimport is one way per table. Using a tool to do a full database dump is another like or using MSSQL DTS, or a host of other tools one can find readily online. If you want a powerful tool for this migration, you should look at DT/Studio at

> 2)Are all attribute data types of MS SQL Server
> supported by MySQL?

No, some data types like smalldatetime, money, smallmoney and image need to be converted to appropriate MySQL data types.

> 3)How do I port the current stored procedures from
> MS SQL server to mySQL. Is it a direct port?

Rewrite them. MySQL supports stored procedures as of 5.0.x releases, so you can experiment with this in the newly released 5.0.2. Note that our production release of 5.0.x should be ready in the next few months, early Q2 likely. Our implementation of stored procedures is based on the ANSI/ISO SQL standard and therefore closely resembles DB2's stored procedure language, not MSSQL T-SQL/transact sql.

> 4)How do I get ODBC drivers for connecting to the
> MySQL database from a Windows machine. The server
> could be sitting on a Linux or a Windows box ?

You can find more about our ODBC connector here:

It is my understanding that you can use the ODBC driver to configure a connection to a remote linux machine if desired though I have not tested this recently.

> 5)Are there any known issues running apps using
> .net with back-end being mySQL DBMS.

No issues to my knowledge, in fact our native .Net connector is available here:

> Will be eagerly looking forward to any help or
> thoughts that anyone can provide? Thanks in
> advance

Best of luck. I hope you can post your migration success to this forum when you are done!



Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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Re: Stored Procedures Migartion, ODBC, .NET
December 29, 2004 02:08PM

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