Re: converting join in Oracle to mysql
Thanks Ronald for the reply .The code worked .I only have to check whether its picking the data or not . I need some more help . How would you convert something like the following :-
SELECT h.hierarchy_id, h.hierarchy_name, h.hierarchy_description,,
calc.calc_cds_interp, calc.calc_govt, calc.calc_bond_index_reg,
calc.calc_bond_cds_reg, calc.populate_cache, calc.calc_bond_yield,
calc.calc_cds_analytics, calc.calc_bond_fs_indicator,
calc.bond_data_source, calc.calc_cds_fwd, xdb.NAME xdb_name,
web.refresh_time web_refresh_time,
web.refresh_wait web_refresh_wait,
tz.timezone_name web_refresh_timezone, web.holiday_city,
FROM cq_hierarchy h,
cq_hierarchy_calc_config calc,
cq_hierarchy_web_config web,
cq_timezone tz,
cq_xdb xdb
WHERE h.hierarchy_id = calc.hierarchy_id(+)
AND h.hierarchy_id = web.hierarchy_id(+)
AND web.timezone_id = tz.timezone_id(+)
AND calc.xdb_id = xdb.xdb_id(+)
The above code has a lot of Oracle Outer joins as you can see .
Waiting for your response ...
With warm regards,