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Re: convert oracle database creation script to mysql
Posted by: Josh Chamas
Date: May 25, 2005 12:10AM

David Zhao wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have the access to a set of scripts to create an
> oracle database, how can I convert the scripts,
> such as .tab, .seq, .fk, .gr etc. to a mysql
> create database SQL script without creating the
> Oracle database?
> Thanks very much in advance!

I gave an Oracle migration presentation at the last MySQL Users conference,
which you can download from here:

Then you can open up your favorite text editor and have at it.
( its what I do for migrations often )



Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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Re: convert oracle database creation script to mysql
May 25, 2005 12:10AM

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