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Help Order by
Posted by: Fabio Castillo
Date: August 23, 2009 10:13AM

hello all,

I have a problem and not how he would deal. Make a query to a table as follows

select id from menu order by id asc

| id |
| 1,2 |
| 1,2,1 |<-----------------
| 1,2,1,1 |
| 1,2,1,2 |
| 1,2,10 |
| 1,2,14 |
| 1,2,2 |<-----------------
| 1,2,2,1 |
| 1,2,2,2 |
| 1,2,3 |<-----------------
| 1,2,5,1 |<-----------------
| 1,2,5,10 |
| 1,2,5,19 |
| 1,2,5,2 |<-----------------
| 1,2,5,20 |
| 1,2,90 |

The field is text and not organized well.

How do I get my order but the list for any level?

| id |
level1, level2, level3, Level4 ,... ..., nivel n |


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2009 10:22AM by Fabio Castillo.

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Help Order by
August 23, 2009 10:13AM
August 26, 2009 01:43AM

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