Marty Metras wrote:
> Josh,
> Here is kind of what I am doing now.
> From the Oracle/UNIX server side I execute a
> script using ssh to on the MySQL/linux server to
> create a text file uising filtered data and only
> 90 days old. THis is about 4000 record now. The
> text files is FTPed back to the Oracle server and
> loaded into a temp table. At this point the data
> from the MySQL database can be linked to the
> Oracle data to update 50 records or so.
> The whole process as it stands is take only 2-3
> minutes.
Both Oracle and MySQL support network client access, so what I would
typically do here is have my Perl DBI or Java JDBC program connect
to both databases and read in and process result sets accordingly
without all the intermediate text file processing, SSH and so on.
If your network requirements are such that Oracle and MySQL only
allow local programs to connect to them, this can be made harder,
but in this case, I might try SSH style port forwarding from one
box to the other. If your security requirements are such to only allow
encrypted connections, then I would look at the MySQL SSL connection
features in 4.1.x for encrypting your traffic, and then you could run your
program on the Oracle host remote connecting to the MySQL database
while encrypting that traffic and still having secure data transfer.
Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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