Re: Can't connect to Sql Anywhere 12
The origional db was running on SQL Anywhere 5.5.04
Here are some of the statements in the unload file that was used for the migration to SQL Anywhere 12
CREATE TABLE "DBA"."pbcattbl" (
"pbt_tnam" char(129) NOT NULL
,"pbt_tid" integer NULL
,"pbt_ownr" char(129) NOT NULL
,"pbd_fhgt" smallint NULL
,"pbd_fwgt" smallint NULL
,"pbd_fitl" char(1) NULL
,"pbd_funl" char(1) NULL
,"pbd_fchr" smallint NULL
,"pbd_fptc" smallint NULL
,"pbd_ffce" char(18) NULL
,"pbh_fhgt" smallint NULL
,"pbh_fwgt" smallint NULL
,"pbh_fitl" char(1) NULL
,"pbh_funl" char(1) NULL
,"pbh_fchr" smallint NULL
,"pbh_fptc" smallint NULL
,"pbh_ffce" char(18) NULL
,"pbl_fhgt" smallint NULL
,"pbl_fwgt" smallint NULL
,"pbl_fitl" char(1) NULL
,"pbl_funl" char(1) NULL
,"pbl_fchr" smallint NULL
,"pbl_fptc" smallint NULL
,"pbl_ffce" char(18) NULL
,"pbt_cmnt" varchar(254) NULL
CREATE TABLE "DBA"."pbcatcol" (
"pbc_tnam" char(129) NOT NULL
,"pbc_tid" integer NULL
,"pbc_ownr" char(129) NOT NULL
,"pbc_cnam" char(129) NOT NULL
,"pbc_cid" smallint NULL
,"pbc_labl" varchar(254) NULL
,"pbc_lpos" smallint NULL
,"pbc_hdr" varchar(254) NULL
,"pbc_hpos" smallint NULL
,"pbc_jtfy" smallint NULL
,"pbc_mask" varchar(31) NULL
,"pbc_case" smallint NULL
,"pbc_hght" smallint NULL
,"pbc_wdth" smallint NULL
,"pbc_ptrn" varchar(31) NULL
,"pbc_bmap" char(1) NULL
,"pbc_init" varchar(254) NULL
,"pbc_cmnt" varchar(254) NULL
,"pbc_edit" varchar(31) NULL
,"pbc_tag" varchar(254) NULL