IMS to Db2 Migration/Conversion
I am Sachal, working on an hiearchial IMS database, currently I trying to develope a strategy to convert IMS database to Relational Db2 database on mainframes. This is my first conversion/migration project of any kind. We have a huge database in our system, number of applications are using the same database, so if we go by pure conversion, it would take lots of money and time, so we started thinging about doing something which can prevent changing the existing programs, then we came up with the idea of writing interface program between Db2 and existing program. The whole idea is, not to change any program but writing out an intermediate interface program which actually simulates the IMS call over Db2. For example, all GN calls on IMS can be easily replaced by simple SQL select statements
At this point of time, I am not very sure of feasiblity, probably I am not thinking rationally, so I just wanted to know your views about the idea
I am assuming that all segments of the IMS DB can be converted into a corresponding Db2 table