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binary update logs, access FE, distribuite application
Posted by: Gianluca Altieri
Date: October 07, 2004 03:06PM

I'm entering in MySql world and I have some issue to solve.

I'm not finding a very well solution about the distribution of application upgrade.

I use a FE MSaccess-based, and I use a MSaccess-based launcher and update checker. To manage MySql DB from MSaccess, I use ADO, and it run well.

The question that I'm not solving is on my development-pc, because I'd want to import my binary update logs into my FE so I can apply it as update when I distribute the application.
To do this I need to import logs from my pc, convert and apply as changes at (future) customer pcs.

So, how can I convert logs to txt and reconvert them to use it?

Gianluca - Venice

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binary update logs, access FE, distribuite application
October 07, 2004 03:06PM

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