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Re: Access FE Very Slow
Posted by: Robert French
Date: September 02, 2004 05:50AM

Hi, first answer is your last question, yes l've used ADO with MySQL.

As to the speed not 100% sure, as l use unbound forms for my entire application. Speed does not seem to be too much of any issue and so far l'm pleased with the results.

I do recall, tinkering the other day with linked tables to the server, and messing around with queries. When doing that l did notice a slow down which l did not like, however l was doing some stuff on entire tables of about 2,000 odd rows or so. Since it was updating and a once only thing l just sat back however it was only in the order of 1-3 secs.

One other thing which may or may not effect you, have you checked the NameAutocorrect facilty is switched off ?

Goto Tools->Options, then the General tab, look for the check box 'Track Name AutoCorrect info' and ensure it is unselected.

It is possible to populate combo boxes on an unbound form, with ADO. I've done it on a couple forms in my application.

This is the code l use, it sits in the OnLoad Event of the form in which the combo box is placed

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCboSource As String
Dim frmCurrentForm As Access.Form

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst_tblcounty As ADODB.Recordset

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst_tblcounty = New ADODB.Recordset

strSQL = "SELECT tblcounty.CountyShortCode, " _
& "tblcounty.County " _
& "FROM tblcounty"

Set frmCurrentForm = Me

cnn.Open gstrCnn

rst_tblcounty.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rst_tblcounty.Open strSQL, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

strCboSource = _
rst_tblcounty.GetString(adClipString, -1, ";", ";", "")

'set up the combo box ready to accept the various settings

frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.ColumnCount = 2
frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.ColumnWidths = "0;4 cm"
frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.AutoExpand = True
frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.LimitToList = True
frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.BoundColumn = 1
frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.RowSourceType = "Value List"
frmCurrentForm!cboCounty.RowSource = strCboSource

N.B. l need to upgrade this code so that the recordset is readonly and the cursor location is ServerSide, since this data will be read only it makes the preformance at lot faster.

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August 30, 2004 07:51PM
Re: Access FE Very Slow
September 02, 2004 05:50AM

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