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Re: ODBC - insert on a linked field - [microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] SQL data type out
Posted by: George Loeppky
Date: April 11, 2005 09:51AM

Sounds like to be you might be trying to update a NOT NULL field with NULL. Either you will have to all NULLs or you will have to update all the NOT NULL fields.

Another thing to check is Access sometimes Access uses Random to update auto_increment fields, which will often contain -214??????? (can't remember the rest of the number) which is the signed equivalent of the biggest int allowed for an unsigned field. So when MySQL tried to increment one more it goes to 0 which is not allowed in an auto_increment field. All though, this is less likely your problem since your tables aren't originally created in Access. MySQL doesn't have a random update type, so it would have had to be created in Access.

Hope this helps.

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Re: ODBC - insert on a linked field - [microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] SQL data type out
April 11, 2005 09:51AM

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