Access SQL Help
Im, taking an access class but on my final there is a SQL question and we never covered it, I'm an architect not a programmer, any help would be greatly appreciated. This is what the final project step called for
"View the Reps and Sales_parameter query in SQL view. Add a calculation field to the select clause that multiples the Actual Sales field in the Employee Sales table by .05, Set the caption of the calculated field as Commission.
Remaining in SQL view change the caption for the Actual Sales field to Quartly Sales and then run the query. In the prompt, enter 2nd and then click ok"
Any advice would be much appreciated.
The SQL already present looks as follows
SELECT [Sales Rep Info].Emp_First_Name, [Sales Rep Info].Emp_Last_Name, [Employee Sales].Quarter, [Employee Sales].[Actual Sales]
FROM [Sales Rep Info] INNER JOIN [Employee Sales] ON [Sales Rep Info].[Employee ID] = [Employee Sales].[Employee ID]
WHERE ((([Employee Sales].Quarter)=[Enter the quarter]));
Where and What do I enter??
What wwould the math function look like for this example above??
How would I change the caption to the actual sales field as it is directed in the given instructions above??
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Access SQL Help
April 28, 2014 07:43AM
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