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SQL & substring function
Posted by: Robert Tulloch
Date: April 07, 2018 07:03PM

Odd situation:

This works fine stand alone test in php MyAdmin SQL:
select concat(substring(forename, 1,1),'bwm' ,substring(lastname, 1, 1)) from users where user_id = 152;

Output WbwmW for example.

However when same code included as parameter for placeholder:

Error Warn Log:

[Sat Apr 7 19:13:06 2018] update_tables.cgi: insert statement = 'insert into users (user_id,username,password,pin,position,forename,lastname,business,address1,address2,city,state,zip, email, phone_home, phone_cell, MJ, MD, DD, DP, comments) values ((SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME='users'),CONCAT('bwm', (SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=DATABASE()AND TABLE_NAME='users')), ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' at update_tables.cgi line 973.

$value = $sth->execute ($password_1, (select concat(substring($forename_1, 1,1),'bwm' ,substring($lastname_1, 1, 1))), $position_1, $forename_1, $lastname_1, $business_1, $address1_1, $address2_1, $city_1, $state_1, $zip_1, $email_1, $phone_home_1, $phone_cell_1, $MJ_1, $MD_1, $DD_1, $DP_1, $comments_1) or die "Unable to execute query: " . $sth->errstr;

[Sat Apr 7 19:13:06 2018] update_tables.cgi: Undefined subroutine &update_tables::substring called at update_tables.cgi line 979.

Undefined subroutine. Strange.

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SQL & substring function
April 07, 2018 07:03PM
April 07, 2018 08:43PM
April 08, 2018 08:20AM

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