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Error_code: 1146
Posted by: Byron Gallardo
Date: August 20, 2020 04:10PM

Buenas tardes, tuve el error 1146, que afecto a 2 nodos esclavos en innodbcluster (group replication), solucione el error restaurando un respaldo del primario en ambos nodos quedando operativos nuevamente (la tabla a la que hace referencia el error si existe),lei que pudo ser por una query invalida o que no existe en mysql, pero este error me detuvo la replica hacia los nodos esclavos dejandolos en modo missing, sin poder volver a reintegrarlos con rejoinInstance, que pudo ser o como evitarlo a futuro? adjunto el error del log.

[ERROR] Slave SQL for channel 'group_replication_applier': Error executing row event: 'Table 'prepago_ocp43_dev.wp_options' doesn't e
xist', Error_code: 1146
[Warning] Slave: Table 'prepago_ocp43_dev.wp_options' doesn't exist Error_code: 1146
[ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'The applier thread execution was aborted. Unable to process more transactions, this membe
r will now leave the group.'
[ERROR] Error running query, slave SQL thread aborted. Fix the problem, and restart the slave SQL thread with "SLAVE START". We stopp
ed at log 'FIRST' position 731.
[ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Fatal error during execution on the Applier process of Group Replication. The server will now leave the group.'
[ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'The server was automatically set into read only mode after an error was detected.'
[Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Going to wait for view modification'
[Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'The group replication applier thread was killed'
[Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Group membership changed: This member has left the group.'

Saludos y Gracias!

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Written By
Error_code: 1146
August 20, 2020 04:10PM
August 20, 2020 04:13PM
August 20, 2020 05:23PM
August 20, 2020 07:10PM
August 20, 2020 08:32PM
August 20, 2020 09:02PM
August 24, 2020 12:11PM
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