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Re: user-define function cant work
Posted by: Andrew Gilfrin
Date: March 15, 2005 07:47AM

You can't currently use SQL within a Function this includes using cursors.

You will need to use a stored procedure and use an out parameter rather than using a return.

There's also no need to use the repeat as you not actually using the whole cursor just the first row. Either remove the repeat processing or a better solution might be to use select into, depends if you can be sure only a single row is returned.

You could amend you code as follows.

OPEN cur1;
FETCH cur1 INTO a;
CLOSE cur1;

This will do exactly the same as you have. The whole program written as a procedure could be as short as this.

create procedure GetCountry(IN phonenumber varchar(20), OUT param_country varchar(100)

select country into param_country FROM test.Rates_MY WHERE Code = PhoneNumber;


Check out the documentation or look at my site which show's you how to return either a single or multiple rows from a cursor if the select into might return more than one row, it's at

Andrew Gilfrin

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March 15, 2005 03:55AM
Re: user-define function cant work
March 15, 2005 07:47AM

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