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Extending/modifying MySQL around stored procedures
Posted by: Nigel Ridd
Date: January 21, 2017 08:59AM

Partly to understand stored procedures better and partly just as an experiment 'because I can', I'm starting to look at how to modify the language that MySQL supports. Nothing fundamental like SQL syntax, more around stored procedures.
Not got much further than being able to compile MySQL from source and make a very simple change to a token to show that it has picked up my change (although it is mildly amusing to be able to use 'BEGINS'- sorry very boring life :-/).

So a couple of questions -
1) does anyone think this may be useful (of course depends on changes)
2) where would be the best place to post about this?


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Extending/modifying MySQL around stored procedures
January 21, 2017 08:59AM

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