> You're not wrong.
Then why aren't you doing it?
A problem has just been identified and if I am monitoring it through free software or through the command of the database itself, I do this identification of the stored procedure and see the parameters that were passed to it and so I can do to the similar to what You would need to know which stored procedure was executed, but mostly identifying the parameters that were passed to it, which can come from several locations.
I'm unaware of any free tool that automates that for MySQL. If you seriously want such functionality, you'll have to write it into your stored procedures, eg as debugging code activated by a mysql user variable. Doable but a lot of work, and awkward.
MySQL sprocs have many limitations. Usually, if there's a choice between doing a task in straight SQL vs implementing it in an sproc, straight SQL is preferable for several reasons. So what's the circumstance requiring this particular sproc?