How to convert big numbers into word ?
Posted by: dsfsdf dsfdsfds
Date: July 28, 2019 08:50AM
Date: July 28, 2019 08:50AM
I want to convert big numbers like million,trillion etc into word, Please can any one help me regarding to this.
I have created a function which work fine but it work only for 9 digit number not working for more then 9 digits?
CREATE FUNCTION `number_to_string`(n INT) RETURNS varchar(1000) CHARSET latin1 BEGIN
declare ans varchar(1000);
declare dig1, dig2, dig3,dig4,dig5,dig6,dig7,dig8,dig9 int;
set ans = '';
set dig9 = floor(n/100000000);
set dig8 = floor(n/10000000) - dig9*10;
set dig7 = floor(n/1000000) -(floor(n/10000000)*10);
set dig6 = floor(n/100000) - (floor(n/1000000)*10);
set dig5 = floor(n/10000) - (floor(n/100000)*10);
set dig4 = floor(n/1000) - (floor(n/10000)*10);
set dig3 = floor(n/100) - (floor(n/1000)*10);
set dig2 = floor(n/10) - (floor(n/100)*10);
set dig1 = n - (floor(n / 10)*10);
If dig9 > 0 then
when dig9=1 then set ans=concat(ans, 'One Hundred');
when dig9=2 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Two Hundred');
when dig9=3 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Three Hundred');
when dig9=4 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Four Hundred');
when dig9=5 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Five Hundred');
when dig9=6 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Six Hundred');
when dig9=7 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Seven Hundred');
when dig9=8 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Eight Hundred');
when dig9=9 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Nine Hundred');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig8 =0 and dig7 = 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Million');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig8 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig8 = 1 then
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 10 then set ans=concat(ans,'Ten Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 11 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eleven Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 12 then set ans=concat(ans,'Twelve Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 13 then set ans=concat(ans,'Thirteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 14 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fourteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 15 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fifteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 16 then set ans=concat(ans,'Sixteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 17 then set ans=concat(ans,'Seventeen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 18 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eighteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 19 then set ans=concat(ans,'Nineteen Million');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if dig8 > 0 then
when dig8=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Twenty');
when dig8=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Thirty');
when dig8=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fourty');
when dig8=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fifty');
when dig8=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Sixty');
when dig8=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seventy');
when dig8=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eighty');
when dig8=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Ninety');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig7 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Million');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig7 > 0 and dig8 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig7 > 0 then
when dig7=1 then set ans=concat(ans, ' One Million');
when dig7=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Two Million');
when dig7=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Three Million');
when dig7=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Four Million');
when dig7=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Five Million');
when dig7=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Six Million');
when dig7=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seven Million');
when dig7=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eight Million');
when dig7=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Nine Million');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig6 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig6 > 0 then
when dig6=1 then set ans=concat(ans, 'One Hundred');
when dig6=2 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Two Hundred');
when dig6=3 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Three Hundred');
when dig6=4 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Four Hundred');
when dig6=5 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Five Hundred');
when dig6=6 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Six Hundred');
when dig6=7 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Seven Hundred');
when dig6=8 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Eight Hundred');
when dig6=9 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Nine Hundred');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig4 =0 and dig5 = 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Thousand');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig5 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig5 = 1 then
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 10 then set ans=concat(ans,'Ten Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 11 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eleven Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 12 then set ans=concat(ans,'Twelve Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 13 then set ans=concat(ans,'Thirteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 14 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fourteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 15 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fifteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 16 then set ans=concat(ans,'Sixteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 17 then set ans=concat(ans,'Seventeen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 18 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eighteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 19 then set ans=concat(ans,'Nineteen Thousand');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if dig5 > 0 then
when dig5=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Twenty');
when dig5=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Thirty');
when dig5=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fourty');
when dig5=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fifty');
when dig5=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Sixty');
when dig5=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seventy');
when dig5=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eighty');
when dig5=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Ninety');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig4 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Thousand');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig4 > 0 and dig5 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig4 > 0 then
when dig4=1 then set ans=concat(ans, ' One Thousand');
when dig4=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Two Thousand');
when dig4=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Three Thousand');
when dig4=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Four Thousand');
when dig4=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Five Thousand');
when dig4=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Six Thousand');
when dig4=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seven Thousand');
when dig4=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eight Thousand');
when dig4=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Nine Thousand');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig3 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig3 > 0 then
when dig3=1 then set ans=concat(ans, 'One Hundred');
when dig3=2 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Two Hundred');
when dig3=3 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Three Hundred');
when dig3=4 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Four Hundred');
when dig3=5 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Five Hundred');
when dig3=6 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Six Hundred');
when dig3=7 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Seven Hundred');
when dig3=8 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Eight Hundred');
when dig3=9 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Nine Hundred');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig2 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig2 = 1 then
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 10 then set ans=concat(ans,'Ten');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 11 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eleven');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 12 then set ans=concat(ans,'Twelve');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 13 then set ans=concat(ans,'Thirteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 14 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fourteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 15 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fifteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 16 then set ans=concat(ans,'Sixteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 17 then set ans=concat(ans,'Seventeen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 18 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eighteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 19 then set ans=concat(ans,'Nineteen');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if dig2 > 0 then
when dig2=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Twenty');
when dig2=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Thirty');
when dig2=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fourty');
when dig2=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fifty');
when dig2=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Sixty');
when dig2=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seventy');
when dig2=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eighty');
when dig2=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Ninety');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig1 > 0 and dig2 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig1 > 0 then
when dig1=1 then set ans=concat(ans, ' One');
when dig1=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Two');
when dig1=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Three');
when dig1=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Four');
when dig1=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Five');
when dig1=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Six');
when dig1=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seven');
when dig1=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eight');
when dig1=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Nine');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
end if;
end if;
return trim(ans);
Please can any one help me,i want for big number like trillions and so on, Thank you
I have created a function which work fine but it work only for 9 digit number not working for more then 9 digits?
CREATE FUNCTION `number_to_string`(n INT) RETURNS varchar(1000) CHARSET latin1 BEGIN
declare ans varchar(1000);
declare dig1, dig2, dig3,dig4,dig5,dig6,dig7,dig8,dig9 int;
set ans = '';
set dig9 = floor(n/100000000);
set dig8 = floor(n/10000000) - dig9*10;
set dig7 = floor(n/1000000) -(floor(n/10000000)*10);
set dig6 = floor(n/100000) - (floor(n/1000000)*10);
set dig5 = floor(n/10000) - (floor(n/100000)*10);
set dig4 = floor(n/1000) - (floor(n/10000)*10);
set dig3 = floor(n/100) - (floor(n/1000)*10);
set dig2 = floor(n/10) - (floor(n/100)*10);
set dig1 = n - (floor(n / 10)*10);
If dig9 > 0 then
when dig9=1 then set ans=concat(ans, 'One Hundred');
when dig9=2 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Two Hundred');
when dig9=3 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Three Hundred');
when dig9=4 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Four Hundred');
when dig9=5 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Five Hundred');
when dig9=6 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Six Hundred');
when dig9=7 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Seven Hundred');
when dig9=8 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Eight Hundred');
when dig9=9 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Nine Hundred');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig8 =0 and dig7 = 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Million');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig8 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig8 = 1 then
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 10 then set ans=concat(ans,'Ten Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 11 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eleven Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 12 then set ans=concat(ans,'Twelve Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 13 then set ans=concat(ans,'Thirteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 14 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fourteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 15 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fifteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 16 then set ans=concat(ans,'Sixteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 17 then set ans=concat(ans,'Seventeen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 18 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eighteen Million');
when (dig8*10 + dig7) = 19 then set ans=concat(ans,'Nineteen Million');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if dig8 > 0 then
when dig8=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Twenty');
when dig8=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Thirty');
when dig8=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fourty');
when dig8=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fifty');
when dig8=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Sixty');
when dig8=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seventy');
when dig8=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eighty');
when dig8=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Ninety');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig7 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Million');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig7 > 0 and dig8 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig7 > 0 then
when dig7=1 then set ans=concat(ans, ' One Million');
when dig7=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Two Million');
when dig7=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Three Million');
when dig7=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Four Million');
when dig7=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Five Million');
when dig7=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Six Million');
when dig7=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seven Million');
when dig7=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eight Million');
when dig7=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Nine Million');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig6 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig6 > 0 then
when dig6=1 then set ans=concat(ans, 'One Hundred');
when dig6=2 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Two Hundred');
when dig6=3 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Three Hundred');
when dig6=4 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Four Hundred');
when dig6=5 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Five Hundred');
when dig6=6 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Six Hundred');
when dig6=7 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Seven Hundred');
when dig6=8 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Eight Hundred');
when dig6=9 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Nine Hundred');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig4 =0 and dig5 = 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Thousand');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig5 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig5 = 1 then
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 10 then set ans=concat(ans,'Ten Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 11 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eleven Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 12 then set ans=concat(ans,'Twelve Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 13 then set ans=concat(ans,'Thirteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 14 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fourteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 15 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fifteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 16 then set ans=concat(ans,'Sixteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 17 then set ans=concat(ans,'Seventeen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 18 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eighteen Thousand');
when (dig5*10 + dig4) = 19 then set ans=concat(ans,'Nineteen Thousand');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if dig5 > 0 then
when dig5=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Twenty');
when dig5=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Thirty');
when dig5=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fourty');
when dig5=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fifty');
when dig5=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Sixty');
when dig5=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seventy');
when dig5=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eighty');
when dig5=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Ninety');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if ans <> '' and dig4 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' Thousand');
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig4 > 0 and dig5 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig4 > 0 then
when dig4=1 then set ans=concat(ans, ' One Thousand');
when dig4=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Two Thousand');
when dig4=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Three Thousand');
when dig4=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Four Thousand');
when dig4=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Five Thousand');
when dig4=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Six Thousand');
when dig4=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seven Thousand');
when dig4=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eight Thousand');
when dig4=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Nine Thousand');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
end if;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig3 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig3 > 0 then
when dig3=1 then set ans=concat(ans, 'One Hundred');
when dig3=2 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Two Hundred');
when dig3=3 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Three Hundred');
when dig3=4 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Four Hundred');
when dig3=5 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Five Hundred');
when dig3=6 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Six Hundred');
when dig3=7 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Seven Hundred');
when dig3=8 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Eight Hundred');
when dig3=9 then set ans=concat(ans, 'Nine Hundred');
else set ans = ans;
end case;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig2 > 0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig2 = 1 then
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 10 then set ans=concat(ans,'Ten');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 11 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eleven');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 12 then set ans=concat(ans,'Twelve');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 13 then set ans=concat(ans,'Thirteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 14 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fourteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 15 then set ans=concat(ans,'Fifteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 16 then set ans=concat(ans,'Sixteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 17 then set ans=concat(ans,'Seventeen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 18 then set ans=concat(ans,'Eighteen');
when (dig2*10 + dig1) = 19 then set ans=concat(ans,'Nineteen');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
if dig2 > 0 then
when dig2=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Twenty');
when dig2=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Thirty');
when dig2=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fourty');
when dig2=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Fifty');
when dig2=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Sixty');
when dig2=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seventy');
when dig2=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eighty');
when dig2=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Ninety');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
end if;
if ans <> '' and dig1 > 0 and dig2 =0 then
set ans=concat(ans, ' And ');
end if;
if dig1 > 0 then
when dig1=1 then set ans=concat(ans, ' One');
when dig1=2 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Two');
when dig1=3 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Three');
when dig1=4 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Four');
when dig1=5 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Five');
when dig1=6 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Six');
when dig1=7 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Seven');
when dig1=8 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Eight');
when dig1=9 then set ans=concat(ans, ' Nine');
else set ans=ans;
end case;
end if;
end if;
return trim(ans);
Please can any one help me,i want for big number like trillions and so on, Thank you
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