Mysql 8.0 crash while calling stored proc
I'm not sure where to post this type of questions, first time on this forum, sorry, posting here.
Recently I have upgraded mysql from 5.7 to 8.0 (OS: FreeBSD 12.2 release)
now some of the stored proc cause a server to crash:
This one works:
~~~ cat testsp ~~~
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `testsp`()
declare pw_hash varchar(200);
set pw_hash = md5(rand());
~~~ end cat ~~~
while this one cause a crash:
~~~ cat testsp2 ~~~
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `testsp`()
declare pw_hash varchar(200);
set pw_hash = md5(rand());
--- next line cause server to crash ---
select pw_hash;
~~~ end cat ~~~
here is the error log file report:
~~~ cat srv.err ~~~
----- 8< -----
Assertion failed: (m_sp == current_thd->sp_runtime_ctx->sp), function this_item, file /usr/ports/databases/mysql80-server/work/mysql-8.0.23/sql/, line 1730.
17:09:55 UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ;
Most likely, you have hit a bug, but this error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Thread pointer: 0x85ccb7000
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
[0x231d8c6] unsigned char+0x1c6
[0x804552b70] _pthread_cleanup_pop+0x1c6
[0x80455213f] _pthread_cleanup_pop+0x1c6
[0x7ffffffff003] +0x1c6
[0x804721c2a] __error+0x1c6
[0x804720084] __error+0x1c6
[0x804696279] __error+0x1c6
[0x804710291] __error+0x1c6
[0x1e5da8f] Item_splocal::this_item(void)+0x9f
[0x1e5d612] Item_sp_variable::fix_fields(THD*, Item**)+0x12
[0x20b1604] setup_fields(THD*, unsigned long, bool, bool, bool, mem_root_deque<Item*> const*, mem_root_deque<Item*>*, Bounds_checked_array<Item*>)+0x384
[0x21eadd6] SELECT_LEX::prepare(THD*, mem_root_deque<Item*>*)+0x3d6
[0x2204d82] Sql_cmd_select::prepare_inner(THD*)+0x242
[0x2204914] Sql_cmd_dml::prepare(THD*)+0x274
[0x2205067] Sql_cmd_dml::execute(THD*)+0x287
[0x21a3deb] mysql_execute_command(THD*, bool)+0x129b
[0x20770fe] sp_instr_stmt::exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*)+0x4e
[0x207596d] sp_lex_instr::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*, bool)+0x1ed
[0x20763d3] sp_lex_instr::validate_lex_and_execute_core(THD*, unsigned int*, bool)+0x1c3
[0x20767d8] sp_instr_stmt::execute(THD*, unsigned int*)+0x148
[0x206f386] sp_head::execute(THD*, bool)+0x586
[0x2070c94] sp_head::execute_procedure(THD*, mem_root_deque<Item*>*)+0x534
[0x20ba2dd] Sql_cmd_call::execute_inner(THD*)+0xfd
[0x22051d0] Sql_cmd_dml::execute(THD*)+0x3f0
[0x21a3deb] mysql_execute_command(THD*, bool)+0x129b
[0x21a1711] dispatch_sql_command(THD*, Parser_state*)+0x431
[0x21a0060] dispatch_command(THD*, COM_DATA const*, enum_server_command)+0x1b10
[0x21a0f88] do_command(THD*)+0x1c8
[0x23055cb] Per_thread_connection_handler::add_connection(Channel_info*)+0x46b
[0x34765e2] pfs_spawn_thread_vc(unsigned int, my_thread_handle*, pthread_attr* const*, void*(*)(void*), void*)+0x312
[0x80454cfac] _pthread_cleanup_pop+0x312
[0x0] +0x312
[0x804720084] __error+0x312
stack_bottom = 7fffda1dcf60 thread_stack 0x46000
0x307684e <_Z19my_print_stacktracePKhm+0x10e> at /usr/local/libexec/mysqld
0x231d8c6 <handle_fatal_signal+0x1c6> at /usr/local/libexec/mysqld
0x804552b70 <_pthread_sigmask+0x530> at /lib/
----- 8< -----
~~~ end cat ~~~