Database 'mysql' is not included in the list of reachable databases while using the 'mysql -u mysql' command.
Posted by: gerard sauvage
Date: June 16, 2015 08:33AM


I need help after having installed Mysql 5.6.24 on Fedora 21. The Kernel version is 4.0.4-202. The default parameters are used.

All commands 'mysqladmin -u <user> password <the password> have failed. The error message is : "Error 2002, Access denied...".

The daemon 'mysqld' is enabled and works well. The two user caommands are 'systemctl enable mysqld.service' and 'systemctl start mysqld.service'.

The 'mysql -u mysql' command on root does'nt work, so I got no access at all.
I tried to download the file 'mysql-community-release-fc21-6.noarch.rpm' from the website '';

The 'sudo yum localinstall mysql-community-release-fc21-6.noarch.rpm' command on root works well, but the database 'mysql' is not included in the list of reachable databases.

You can find here the output of the 'mysql -u mysql' command :
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]# mysql -u mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.6.24 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)


Does anybody have suggestion(s), ideas(s), advice(s) ?

Thank you very much for your help.


P.S You can find behind the output of the commands witch works :

[root@localhost testappli]# mysql_install_db -> no error messages , some advices to configure accounts.

1°) Output of the 'systemctl status mysqld.service' command :
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]# systemctl status mysqld.service
● mysqld.service - MySQL 5.6 database server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since ven. 2015-06-12 15:45:30 CEST; 12min ago
Process: 1807 ExecStartPost=/usr/libexec/mysql-check-upgrade (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1342 ExecStartPost=/usr/libexec/mysql-wait-ready $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1271 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/mysql-prepare-db-dir %n (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1171 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/mysql-check-socket (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1339 (mysqld_safe)
CGroup: /system.slice/mysqld.service
├─1339 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr
└─1604 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --pid-f...

juin 12 15:45:27 localhost.localdomain mysqld_safe[1339]: 150612 15:45:27 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/log/mysqld.log'.
juin 12 15:45:27 localhost.localdomain mysqld_safe[1339]: 150612 15:45:27 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
juin 12 15:45:30 localhost.localdomain mysql-check-upgrade[1807]: The datadir located at /var/lib/mysql needs to be upgraded using 'mysql_upgrade' ... steps:
juin 12 15:45:30 localhost.localdomain mysql-check-upgrade[1807]: 1. Back-up your data before running 'mysql_upgrade'
juin 12 15:45:30 localhost.localdomain mysql-check-upgrade[1807]: 2. Start the database daemon using 'systemctl start mysqld.service'
juin 12 15:45:30 localhost.localdomain mysql-check-upgrade[1807]: 3. Run 'mysql_upgrade' with a database user that has sufficent privileges
juin 12 15:45:30 localhost.localdomain mysql-check-upgrade[1807]: Read more about 'mysql_upgrade' usage at:
juin 12 15:45:30 localhost.localdomain mysql-check-upgrade[1807]:
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]# mysql_upgrade
Looking for 'mysql' as: mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: mysqlcheck
FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed
[root@localhost testappli]#

2°) Output of the 'perl mysql-test-run' command:
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]# cd /usr/share/mysql-test
[root@localhost mysql-test]# perl mysql-test-run
Logging: mysql-test-run
2015-06-12 16:04:59 0 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.24) starting as process 2911 ...
2015-06-12 16:04:59 2911 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
2015-06-12 16:04:59 2911 [Note] Binlog end
2015-06-12 16:04:59 2911 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'MyISAM'
2015-06-12 16:04:59 2911 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'CSV'
MySQL Version 5.6.24
Checking supported features...
- SSL connections supported
Using suites: main,sys_vars,binlog,federated,rpl,innodb,innodb_fts,innodb_zip,perfschema,funcs_1,opt_trace,parts,auth_sec
Collecting tests...
- adding combinations for binlog
^[ - adding combinations for rpl
Checking leftover processes...
Removing old var directory...
Creating var directory '/usr/share/mysql-test/var'...
Installing system database...



worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 13000..13009
worker[1] mysql-test-run: WARNING: running this script as _root_ will cause some tests to be skipped
binlog.binlog_multi_engine [ skipped ] ndbcluster disabled
funcs_1.myisam_views-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.alter_table-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.archive_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.bug46080 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.count_distinct3 [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.create-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.ctype_like_range [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.drop_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.ds_mrr-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.eq_range_idx_stat [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.error_simulation [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.events_stress [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.events_time_zone [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.filesort_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.flush_read_lock_kill [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.gis-debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.index_merge_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.information_schema-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.innodb_mysql_sync [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.join_cache_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.kill_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.log_tables_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.merge-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.multi_update2 [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.myisam_crash_before_flush_keys [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.myisam_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.mysqlbinlog_row_big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.partition_debug_sync [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.partition_sync [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.signal_code [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.sp-code [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.ssl-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.subquery_sj_all_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_dupsweed_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_firstmatch_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_innodb_all_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_innodb_none_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_loosescan_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_mat_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subquery_sj_none_bkaunique [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.subselect_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
main.type_newdecimal-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.variables-big [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.variables_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_buf_flush_list_now_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_buffer_pool_evict_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_change_buffering_debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_disable_background_merge_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_doublewrite_batch_size_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_fil_make_page_dirty_debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_force_recovery_crash_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_log_checkpoint_now_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_page_hash_locks_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_purge_run_now_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_purge_stop_now_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_saved_page_number_debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_trx_purge_view_update_only_debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
sys_vars.innodb_trx_rseg_n_slots_debug_basic [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_crash_safe_master_checksum [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_error_action [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_gtid_cache [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_gtid_errors [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_incident [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_incident_ignore [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_index [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_killed_simulate [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_reset_master [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_row_binlog [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_stm_binlog [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
binlog.binlog_write_error [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
federated.federated_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_binlog_corruption [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_binlog_errors [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_bug26395 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_bug33931 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_bug38694 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_bug41902 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_change_master_dbug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_check_gtid [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_checksum [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_checksum_undef [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_corruption [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_crash_safe_master [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_extra_row_data [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_filter_warnings [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_get_master_version_and_clock [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_group_commit_deadlock [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_gtid_binlog_errors [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_gtid_execution [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_gtid_parallel [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_gtid_purged_fail_to_connect [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_gtid_purged_maintained [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_gtids_restart_slave_io_lost_trx [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_incident [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_init_slave_errors [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_killed_ddl [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_known_bugs_detection [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_loaddata_fatal [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_lost_events_on_rotate [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_mixed_mixing_engines [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_mts_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_mts_execute_partial_trx_with_auto_pos_off [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_mts_execute_partial_trx_with_auto_pos_on [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_mts_gtids_restart_slave_io_lost_trx [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_mts_slave_hang_with_partial_trx [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_non_direct_mixed_mixing_engines [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_non_direct_row_mixing_engines [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_non_direct_stm_mixing_engines [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_parallel_seconds_behind_master [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_parallel_switch_sequential [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_rotate_gtid [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_rotate_row_trans [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_row_4_bytes [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_row_corruption [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_row_crash_safe [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_row_hash_scan_sanity [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_row_ignorable_event [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_row_mixing_engines [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_row_mts_crash_safe [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_row_mts_rec_crash_safe [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_row_mysqlbinlog [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_seconds_behind_master [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_semi_sync [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_group_commit_deadlock [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_non_group_commit_deadlock [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_show_slave_running [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_show_slave_status_deadlock [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_skip_incident [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_slave_load_remove_tmpfile [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_sql_thread_killed_waiting_commit_lock [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_stm_mixed_crash_safe [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_stm_mixed_mts_crash_safe [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_stm_mixed_mts_rec_crash_safe [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_stm_mixed_mts_rec_crash_safe_checksum [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_stm_mixed_mts_rec_crash_safe_small [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_stm_mixing_engines [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
rpl.rpl_stm_stop_middle_group [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_stop_slave [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_sync [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_temporary_errors [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
rpl.rpl_unknown_ignorable_event [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.blob-update-debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-2byte-collation [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-alter-debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-change-buffer-recovery [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-double-write [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-index-debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-index-online-fk [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-log-file-size [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-multiple-tablespaces [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb-status-output [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb.innodb-wl5522-debug [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb.innodb-wl5980-debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug-13628249 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug11754376 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug11766634 [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb.innodb_bug14007109 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug14007649 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug14147491 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug14676111 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug14704286 [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb.innodb_bug52663 [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb.innodb_bug53756 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_bug56947 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_corrupt_bit [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_mysql [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb.innodb_upd_stats_if_needed_not_inited [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.innodb_ut_format_name [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.insert_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.monitor_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb.sp_temp_table [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
innodb_fts.fts_compatibility [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb_fts.fts_compatibility_win [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb_fts.innobase_drop_fts_index_table [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb_fts.innodb_fts_index_table [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb_fts.innodb_fts_misc_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb_fts.innodb_fts_result_cache_limit [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
innodb_zip.innodb-wl5522-debug-zip [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_again_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_again_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_bad_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_bad_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_good_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_good_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_noname_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_addrinfo_noname_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_auth_plugin [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_blocked [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_format [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_max_con [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_again_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_again_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_noname_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_nameinfo_noname_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_passwd [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv4_ssl [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_again_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_again_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_bad_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_bad_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_good_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_good_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_noname_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_addrinfo_noname_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_auth_plugin [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_blocked [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_max_con [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_nameinfo_again_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_nameinfo_again_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_nameinfo_noname_allow [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_nameinfo_noname_deny [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_passwd [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_ssl [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.hostcache_peer_addr [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
perfschema.tampered_perfschema_table1 [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
opt_trace.debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
opt_trace.eq_range_statistics [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
parts.part_supported_sql_func_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter1_1_2_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter1_1_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter1_2_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter2_1_1_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter2_1_2_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter2_2_1_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter2_2_2_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter4_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_alter4_myisam [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_basic_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_debug [ skipped ] Test needs debug binaries
parts.partition_debug_innodb [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_debug_myisam [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_decimal_myisam [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.partition_int_myisam [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
parts.rpl_partition [ skipped ] Test needs 'big-test' option
main.archive-big [ disabled ] Bug#11817185 2011-03-10 Anitha Disabled since this leads to timeout on Solaris Sparc
main.log_tables-big [ disabled ] Bug#11756699 2010-11-15 mattiasj report already exists
main.lowercase_table3 [ disabled ] Bug#11762269 2010-06-30 alik main.lowercase_table3 on Mac OSX
main.mysql_client_test_embedded [ disabled ] Bug#16084066 2013-01-08 Disabled since this test is failing
main.mysql_embedded_client_test [ disabled ] Bug#13964673 2012-04-16 amitbha since most of the test cases are failing
main.read_many_rows_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#11748886 2010-11-15 mattiasj report already exists
main.sum_distinct-big [ disabled ] Bug#11764126 2010-11-15 mattiasj was not tested
sys_vars.query_cache_size_basic_32 [ disabled ] Bug#13535584
sys_vars.query_cache_size_basic_64 [ disabled ] Bug#11748572
federated.federated_transactions [ disabled ] Bug#11746899 Transactions do not work
rpl.rpl_delayed_slave [ disabled ] Bug#11764654 2010-11-09 andrei rpl_delayed_slave fails sporadically in pb
rpl.rpl_row_binlog_max_cache_size [ disabled ] BUG#14126780 May 29 2012 Vasil Dimov timeout if est number of rows is 3 instead of 4
rpl.rpl_row_create_table [ disabled ] Bug#11759274 2010-02-27 andrei failed different way than earlier with bug#45576
parts.partition_max_parts_hash_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_parts_inv_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_parts_key_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_parts_list_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_parts_range_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_sub_parts_key_list_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_sub_parts_key_range_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_sub_parts_list_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
parts.partition_max_sub_parts_range_innodb [ disabled ] Bug#17719504 2013-11-01 Horst PARTITION_MAX_PARTS ARE FAILING SPORADICLY.
federated.federated [ pass ] 5237
federated.federated_archive [ pass ] 154
federated.federated_bug_13118 [ pass ] 82
federated.federated_bug_25714 [ skipped ] Need bug25714 test program
federated.federated_bug_35333 [ pass ] 128
federated.federated_server [ pass ] 8700
federated.federated_plugin [ skipped ] federated plugin not available
federated.federated_innodb [ pass ] 1044
perfschema.cnf_option [ pass ] 13
perfschema.sizing_default [ pass ] 32
perfschema.sizing_high [ pass ] 8
perfschema.sizing_low [ pass ] 8
perfschema.sizing_med [ pass ] 9
perfschema.sizing_off [ pass ] 5
rpl.rpl_plugin_load 'mix' [ skipped ] Example plugin requires the environment variable \$EXAMPLE_PLUGIN to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_plugin_load 'row' [ skipped ] Example plugin requires the environment variable \$EXAMPLE_PLUGIN to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_plugin_load 'stmt' [ skipped ] Example plugin requires the environment variable \$EXAMPLE_PLUGIN to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_grant_plugin 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_master_connection 'mix' [ pass ] 16453
rpl.rpl_grant_plugin 'row' [ pass ] 1987
rpl.rpl_master_connection 'row' [ pass ] 15815
rpl.rpl_grant_plugin 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_master_connection 'stmt' [ pass ] 16262
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_deadlock 'mix' [ skipped ] Test requires: 'have_debug_sync'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_future_logpos 'mix' [ pass ] 13190
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_shutdown_hang 'mix' [ pass ] 16642
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_uninstall_plugin 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_event 'mix' [ pass ] 14158
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_deadlock 'row' [ skipped ] Test requires: 'have_debug_sync'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_future_logpos 'row' [ pass ] 13036
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_shutdown_hang 'row' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='row'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_uninstall_plugin 'row' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='row'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_event 'row' [ pass ] 14309
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_deadlock 'stmt' [ skipped ] Test requires: 'have_debug_sync'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_future_logpos 'stmt' [ pass ] 13060
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_shutdown_hang 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_uninstall_plugin 'stmt' [ pass ] 2436
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_event 'stmt' [ pass ] 24135
rpl.rpl_udf 'mix' [ skipped ] UDF requires the environment variable \$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_mixed_implicit_commit_binlog 'mix' [ skipped ] UDF requires the environment variable \$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_row_implicit_commit_binlog 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_stm_implicit_commit_binlog 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_udf 'row' [ skipped ] UDF requires the environment variable \$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_mixed_implicit_commit_binlog 'row' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='row'
rpl.rpl_row_implicit_commit_binlog 'row' [ skipped ] UDF requires the environment variable \$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_stm_implicit_commit_binlog 'row' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='row'
rpl.rpl_udf 'stmt' [ skipped ] UDF requires the environment variable \$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_mixed_implicit_commit_binlog 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_row_implicit_commit_binlog 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_stm_implicit_commit_binlog 'stmt' [ skipped ] UDF requires the environment variable \$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB to be set (normally done by mtr)
rpl.rpl_mix_found_rows 'mix' [ pass ] 2534
rpl.rpl_row_sp011 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed 'mix' [ pass ] 3633
rpl.rpl_insert_id 'mix' [ pass ] 3882
rpl.rpl_mix_found_rows 'row' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='row'
rpl.rpl_row_sp011 'row' [ pass ] 2642
rpl.rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed 'row' [ pass ] 3688
rpl.rpl_insert_id 'row' [ pass ] 3953
rpl.rpl_mix_found_rows 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_row_sp011 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed 'stmt' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='statement'
rpl.rpl_insert_id 'stmt' [ pass ] 4023
rpl.rpl_auto_increment 'mix' [ pass ] 12516
rpl.rpl_auto_increment 'row' [ pass ] 12693
rpl.rpl_auto_increment 'stmt' [ pass ] 13063
rpl.rpl_create_database 'mix' [ pass ] 2158
rpl.rpl_create_database 'row' [ pass ] 2201
rpl.rpl_create_database 'stmt' [ pass ] 2263
rpl.rpl_begin_commit_rollback 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_binlog_gcommit_options 'mix' [ pass ] 13974
rpl.rpl_gtid_row_event_max_size 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_row_event_max_size 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_loaddata_m 'mix' [ pass ] 2080
rpl.rpl_row_basic_11bugs 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_special_charset 'mix' [ pass ] 2089
rpl.rpl_timezone 'mix' [ pass ] 2995
rpl.rpl_server_id2 'mix' [ pass ] 3647
rpl.rpl_server_id_ignore 'mix' [ pass ] 4104
rpl.rpl_flush_logs 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_parallel_multi_db 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_sequential 'mix' [ pass ] 96608
rpl.rpl_parallel 'mix' [ pass ] 93312
rpl.rpl_parallel_innodb 'mix' [ pass ] 143314
rpl.rpl_sp 'mix' [ pass ] 5675
rpl.rpl_do_table_filter_sensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_gtid_do_table_filter_sensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_gtid_ignore_table_filter_sensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_ignore_table_filter_sensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_do_table_filter_insensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_gtid_do_table_filter_insensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_gtid_ignore_table_filter_insensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_ignore_table_filter_insensitive 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_ignore_db_filter 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_rewrite_db_filter 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_show_master_info_file 'mix' [ pass ] 1840
rpl.rpl_sporadic_master 'mix' [ pass ] 3316
rpl.rpl_packet 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_loaddata_map 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_flushlog_loop 'mix' [ pass ] 3522
rpl.rpl_cross_version 'mix' [ pass ] 3061
rpl.rpl_loaddata_symlink 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_row_log 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_gtid_loaddata_s 'mix' [ skipped ] Test requires GTID_MODE=ON.
rpl.rpl_loaddata_s 'mix' [ pass ] 2014
rpl.rpl_heartbeat 'mix' [ pass ] 18666
rpl.rpl_report_port 'mix' [ pass ] 13348
rpl.rpl_000011 'mix' [ pass ] 1954
rpl.rpl_000013 'mix' [ pass ] 1542
rpl.rpl_000017 'mix' [ pass ] 1567
rpl.rpl_4threads_deadlock 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_EE_err 'mix' [ pass ] 1959
rpl.rpl_LD_INFILE 'mix' [ pass ] 1618
rpl.rpl_alter 'mix' [ pass ] 1578
rpl.rpl_alter_db 'mix' [ pass ] 1475
rpl.rpl_apply_binlog_with_anonymous_gtid 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_apply_binlog_with_anonymous_gtid_when_gtid_mode_on 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_apply_binlog_with_gtid_when_gtid_mode_off 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_auto_increment_11932 'mix' [ pass ] 1609
rpl.rpl_auto_increment_bug33029 'mix' [ pass ] 2405
rpl.rpl_avoid_temporal_upgrade 'mix' [ pass ] 2245
rpl.rpl_binlog_index 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_bit 'mix' [ pass ] 1629
rpl.rpl_bit_npk 'mix' [ pass ] 1746
rpl.rpl_blackhole 'mix' [ pass ] 1937
rpl.rpl_bug31076 'mix' [ pass ] 1673
rpl.rpl_bug37426 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_change_master 'mix' [ pass ] 27001
rpl.rpl_charset 'mix' [ pass ] 1845
rpl.rpl_charset_sjis 'mix' [ pass ] 1589
rpl.rpl_colSize 'mix' [ pass ] 3266
rpl.rpl_conditional_comments 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_connection 'mix' [ pass ] 2235
rpl.rpl_create_drop_temp_table 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_create_if_not_exists 'mix' [ pass ] 3878
rpl.rpl_create_tmp_table_if_not_exists 'mix' [ pass ] 1484
rpl.rpl_critical_errors 'mix' [ pass ] 1
rpl.rpl_delete_no_where 'mix' [ pass ] 1575
rpl.rpl_do_grant 'mix' [ pass ] 7790
rpl.rpl_drop 'mix' [ pass ] 1470
rpl.rpl_drop_db 'mix' [ pass ] 3914
rpl.rpl_drop_db_fail 'mix' [ pass ] 3987
rpl.rpl_drop_view 'mix' [ pass ] 2027
rpl.rpl_empty_master_host 'mix' [ pass ] 2203
rpl.rpl_events 'mix' [ pass ] 1813
rpl.rpl_extra_col_master_myisam 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_extra_col_slave_myisam 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_function_defaults 'mix' [ pass ] 1626
rpl.rpl_general_log 'mix' [ pass ] 2604
rpl.rpl_geometry 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_get_lock 'mix' [ pass ] 2178
rpl.rpl_grant 'mix' [ pass ] 6952
rpl.rpl_gtid_binary_log_as_relay_log 'mix' [ skipped ] Doesn't support --binlog-format='mixed'
rpl.rpl_gtid_mode 'mix' [ fail ]
Test ended at 2015-06-12 16:23:51

CURRENT_TEST: rpl.rpl_gtid_mode
mysqltest: In included file "./include/":
included from ./include/ at line 68:
At line 67: command "file_exists" failed with error 1. my_errno=175

The result from queries just before the failure was:
< snip >
==== Checks performed at server start when GTID_MODE = ON ====
include/ [server_number=2]
---- GTID_MODE = UPGRADE_STEP_[1|2] not supported ----
ERROR: Command produced wrong output!
ERROR: Command: '/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-group-suffix=.2 --defaults-file=/usr/share/mysql-test/var/my.cnf --log-output=file --default-storage-engine=InnoDB --default-tmp-storage-engine=InnoDB --innodb-page-size=16384 --gtid-mode=upgrade_step_1 --enforce-gtid-consistency 2>&1'
ERROR: Output expected to match perl regex: '--gtid-mode=UPGRADE_STEP_1 or --gtid-mode=UPGRADE_STEP_2 are not yet supported'
======== BEGIN output ========
2015-06-12 17:23:46 0 [Warning] The syntax '--master-retry-count' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'CHANGE MASTER TO master_retry_count = <num>' instead.
2015-06-12 17:23:46 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2015-06-12 17:23:46 0 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.24-log) starting as process 8010 ...
2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [ERROR] Aborting

2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [Note] Binlog end
2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

======== END OUTPUT ========

More results from queries before failure can be found in /usr/share/mysql-test/var/log/rpl_gtid_mode.log

- saving '/usr/share/mysql-test/var/log/rpl.rpl_gtid_mode-mix/' to '/usr/share/mysql-test/var/log/rpl.rpl_gtid_mode-mix/'

Only 413 of 3642 completed.
mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: Not all tests completed
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]#

3°) Output of the 'cat /usr/share/mysql-test/var/log/rpl_gtid_mode.log' command :
[testappli@localhost ~]$
[testappli@localhost ~]$
[testappli@localhost ~]$ cat /usr/share/mysql-test/var/log/rpl_gtid_mode.log
[connection master]
call mtr.add_suppression("Slave I/O: The slave IO thread stops because the master has @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE");
call mtr.add_suppression("Error reading packet from server: Lost connection to MySQL");
call mtr.add_suppression("Aborting");
call mtr.add_suppression(".* Found a Gtid_log_event or Previous_gtids_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.");
call mtr.add_suppression("MASTER_AUTO_POSITION in the master info file was 1 but server is started with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF. Forcing MASTER_AUTO_POSITION to 0.");
==== Master and slave have GTID_MODE = OFF ====
---- Default value for GTID_MODE ----
include/ [Default value for GTID_MODE should be OFF]
---- GTID_MODE is read-only ----
ERROR HY000: Variable 'gtid_mode' is a read only variable
ERROR HY000: Variable 'gtid_mode' is a read only variable
ERROR HY000: Variable 'gtid_mode' is a read only variable
ERROR HY000: Variable 'gtid_mode' is a read only variable
SET GTID_NEXT = 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1';
---- No GTIDs in binlog ----
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000001 # Query # # BEGIN
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
slave-relay-bin.000002 # Rotate # # master-bin.000001;pos=POS
==== Checks performed at server start when GTID_MODE = ON ====
include/ [server_number=2]
---- GTID_MODE = UPGRADE_STEP_[1|2] not supported ----
ERROR: Command produced wrong output!
ERROR: Command: '/usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-group-suffix=.2 --defaults-file=/usr/share/mysql-test/var/my.cnf --log-output=file --default-storage-engine=InnoDB --default-tmp-storage-engine=InnoDB --innodb-page-size=16384 --gtid-mode=upgrade_step_1 --enforce-gtid-consistency 2>&1'
ERROR: Output expected to match perl regex: '--gtid-mode=UPGRADE_STEP_1 or --gtid-mode=UPGRADE_STEP_2 are not yet supported'
======== BEGIN output ========
2015-06-12 17:23:46 0 [Warning] The syntax '--master-retry-count' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'CHANGE MASTER TO master_retry_count = <num>' instead.
2015-06-12 17:23:46 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2015-06-12 17:23:46 0 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.24-log) starting as process 8010 ...
2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [ERROR] Aborting

2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [Note] Binlog end
2015-06-12 17:23:46 8010 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

======== END OUTPUT ========
[testappli@localhost ~]$
[testappli@localhost ~]$

4°) Output of the 'netstat -ln' command :
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]# netstat -ln
Connexions Internet actives (seulement serveurs)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Adresse locale Adresse distante Etat
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp6 0 0 :::123 :::*
udp6 0 0 ::1:323 :::*
udp6 0 0 :::4827 :::*
raw6 0 0 :::58 :::* 7
Sockets du domaine UNIX actives(seulement serveurs)
Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Chemin
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 27726 @/tmp/.ICE-unix/2115
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 21761 /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 15111 /run/gssproxy.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 22544 /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 20026 @/tmp/dbus-nDBLH0SK
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 22547 /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 26136 /tmp/ssh-c2S26VlgMpUr/agent.1973
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 15110 /var/lib/gssproxy/default.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 16413 /var/run/cups/cups.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 20556 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 25891 /run/user/1001/systemd/private
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 16422 /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 25144 /run/user/1001/ksocket-testappli/kdeinit4__0
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 16448 /var/run/rpcbind.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 11329 /run/systemd/journal/stdout
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 15171 /var/run/mcelog-client
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 13385 /run/systemd/private
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 20557 /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 16457 /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 27727 /tmp/.ICE-unix/2115
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 18020 /var/run/NetworkManager/private-dhcp
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 15226 /var/run/abrt/abrt.socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] SEQPACKET LISTENING 13435 /run/udev/control
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 13445 /run/lvm/lvmetad.socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 20025 @/tmp/dbus-ovgH7a4s
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 26990 @/tmp/dbus-qLBW3OAlei
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 25512 @/tmp/dbus-2sZSUYbPx8
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 27094 /run/user/1001/ksocket-testappli/klauncherhX2084.slave-socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 23699 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 26487 @/tmp/fam-testappli-
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 18914 /var/run/NetworkManager/private
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 21737 /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 29162 /tmp/.esd-1001/socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 29165 /run/user/1001/pulse/native
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 27084 /home/testappli/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent
Active Bluetooth connections (seulement serveurs)
Proto Destination Source State PSM DCID SCID IMTU OMTU Security
warning, got bogus l2cap line.
Proto Destination Source State Channel
[root@localhost testappli]#
[root@localhost testappli]#

Options: ReplyQuote

Written By
Database 'mysql' is not included in the list of reachable databases while using the 'mysql -u mysql' command.
June 16, 2015 08:33AM

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