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MySQL 5.6 Upgrade - Hung On Creating sort index
Posted by: Andrew Klug
Date: October 10, 2016 09:52AM

We recently upgraded servers from 5.1 to 5.6.

Instantly we found that queries on large tables (1.4M rows, 4G+) that used to run in half a second were taking 1-3 minutes, all the while in "Creating sort index" status.

Has anyone experienced anything like this in upgrading to 5.6 or have any tips on what needs to be adjusted? We tried many my.cnf as well as kernel level tweaks to no avail.

The new server has faster hardware, so slower queries is not what we expected.

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MySQL 5.6 Upgrade - Hung On Creating sort index
October 10, 2016 09:52AM

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