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Complex Query
Posted by: Steven Donovan
Date: November 20, 2008 02:44PM

I have a Team-Based Learning and grading application I built and I have to compute and display grades both to individual students and to administrators who record the grades to then be entered into the campus system. I have a discrepency between what the student would see and what the admin sees. This is for a peer evaluation grade for all 2nd year medical students.

First I get the academic year.

//Get the academic year
$tl_config = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `".$prefix."_tl_config`"));
$Academic_Year = $tl_config['Academic_Year'];

I then get what term it is. First or Second.

//Get Term
$getTerm = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT term FROM ".$prefix."_tl_M2settings"));
if (!$getTerm) {
echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");
$Term = $getTerm['term'];

I then get the Quantitative Scores based on how their teammates rated them.

//Need to get the Quantitative Scores and compute for 60% of grade
$get_Q1scores = $db->sql_query("SELECT gs.Group_ID, pe.rater, s.Name_First, s.Name_Last, (AVG(clskill_1) + AVG(clskill_2) + AVG(clskill_3) + AVG(clskill_4) + AVG(sdskill_1) + AVG(sdskill_2) + AVG(sdskill_3) + AVG(sdskill_4) + AVG(ipskill_1) + AVG(ipskill_2) + AVG(ipskill_3) + AVG(ipskill_4)) AS QuantSum FROM ".$prefix."_tl_M2peereval pe JOIN ".$prefix."_tl_group_students gs ON (pe.rater = gs.LDAP_USER) JOIN ".$prefix."_tl_students s ON (pe.UID = s.UID)
WHERE s.Class_Year = '2'
AND pe.Academic_Year = '$Academic_Year'
AND pe.term = '$Term'
ORDER BY s.Name_Last");
if (!$get_Q1scores) {
echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($get_Q1scores)) {
$Name_First = $row['Name_First'];
$Name_Last = $row['Name_Last'];
$Team_ID = $row['Group_ID'];
$rater = $row['rater'];
$QuantSum = $row['QuantSum'];

I then need to get the Qualitative Scores on feedback each student provided their teammates.

$get_Q2scores = $db->sql_query("SELECT rater, Academic_Year, term, (AVG(qa_1_rating) + AVG(qa_2_rating)) AS QualSum FROM ".$prefix."_tl_M2peereval
WHERE rater ='$rater'
AND Academic_Year = '$Academic_Year'
AND term = '$Term'
GROUP BY rater");
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($get_Q2scores)) {
$QualSum = $row['QualSum'];

I used to get QualSum when I queried for Quantitative Scores in the first query but I was not getting the correct value. So I separated the two and tried to match on rater ='$rater', but still cannot come up with the correct value for $QualSum.

$get_Q2scores is wrapped inside of the $get_Q1scores while loop.

What I would do with QualSum is the following:

//8 is max average
$Q2SUMb = ($QualSum / 8);
//.4 is 40% of grade
$Qualiscore = ($Q2SUMb * .4);

It is 40% of grade. For example:

QualSum = 7

7/8 = .875
.875 * .4 = .35

This is what the sample student sees they got for a Qualitative Scores .35 out of a possible .40 or 35% out of 40%.

If I am seeing the admin side where I record the grade I see a different score.

My sample student received a 0.34

I think my error is for Quantitative Scores I match by pe.UID = s.UID to get all students.

For Qualitative Scores I match for rater ='$rater', however one UID has several raters who filled out evaluations.

This is not making a lick of sense is it?

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Written By
Complex Query
November 20, 2008 02:44PM
November 20, 2008 07:00PM

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