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Re: Keep getting Error line #299
Posted by: Bill Juschko
Date: July 19, 2010 08:12AM

To help further I am posting the track.php file made by my friend for us to use...

$indexloaded = 1;

 * A game recording (track) file management system for MyGamingLadder
 * @author JohnKelly <>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Team Combat League


define('STORAGE_DIR', '/home/teamcomb/public_html/tracks/');

$content = '';
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];

if ($action == 'upload_complete' && $_POST['upload_files'] != '') {
	if ($plyr[id] != 0) {
		$result = complete_file_upload($plyr[id]);
		if ($result != 'SUCCESS!') {
			$content .= $result;
		} else {
			$content .= 'File upload successful. <a href="/tracks.php">Continue</a>';
	} else {
		die ('Permissions error. You must log in.');
} else if ($action == 'delete_file' && $_GET['delete'] != '') {
	if ($admn[id] != 0) {
		$result = delete_file_id($_GET['delete']);
		if ($result != 'SUCCESS!') {
			$content .= $result . '<br>';
		} else {
			$content .= 'File deleted<br>';
		$content .= '<a href="/tracks.php?action=admin_panel">Okay</a>';
	} else {
		die ('Permssions error. You must log in as an admin.');
} else if ($action == 'upload_start' && $plyr[id] != 0) {
	$content .= get_upload_form_html($plyr[id], $_GET['matchid']);
} else if ($action == 'admin_panel' && $admn[id] != 0) {
	$content .= get_all_tracks_table_admin();
	$content .= '<a href="/tracks.php">Tracks Home</a>';
} else if ($action == 'viewmatch' && $_GET['matchid'] != '') {
	$matchid = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_GET['matchid']));
	$content .= get_match_tracks_table($matchid);
	if (is_upload_allowed_match($plyr[id], $matchid)) {
		$content .= "<br><form action='/tracks.php' method='GET'>
		<input type='hidden' name='action' value='upload_start'>
		<input type='hidden' name='matchid' value='$matchid'>
		<input type='submit' value='Add a Track'>
} else {
	$content .= get_all_tracks_table();
	if ($plyr[id] != 0) {
		$content .= '<br><form action="/tracks.php" method="get">
		<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload_start">
		<input type="submit" value="Upload New Track">
	if ($admn[id] != 0) {
		$content .= '<br><a href="/tracks.php?action=admin_panel">Admin Panel</a>';

// html output

$out['title'] = 'Match Tracks Archive';
$out['keywords'] = 'tracks, acmi, tacview, archive, recordings, missions, tcl, team combat league, lock on, lomac' ;
$out['description'] = 'Tracks recordings available from Team Combat League';

// any more content

// &nbsp; &nbsp;<strong><font class='catfont'>Tracks</font></strong><br><hr class='catfont' size='1'>
$out[body]=$out[body]."<center> $bannerhead $out[banner] $bannerfoot <br>
$tablefoot </center>";

function is_upload_allowed_match($playerid, $matchid) {
	if ($playerid <= 0) {
		return false;
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT matchdb.*
							FROM matchdb
							LEFT JOIN teammembers ON (matchdb.winnerid=teammembers.teamid) OR (matchdb.loserid=teammembers.teamid)
							WHERE (matchdb.matchid='$matchid')
							AND (teammembers.playerid=$playerid)");
	return (mysql_numrows($result) > 0);

function get_upload_form_html($playerid, $matchid) {
	$result = mysql_query( "SELECT teammembers.teamid, matchdb.*
							FROM matchdb
							LEFT JOIN teammembers ON (matchdb.winnerid=teammembers.teamid) OR (matchdb.loserid=teammembers.teamid)
							WHERE (teammembers.playerid=$playerid)
							ORDER BY matchdb.reportdate DESC");
	if (mysql_numrows($result) <= 0) {
		return 'NoMatches';
	$script = '<script type="text/javascript">
	function setDots(numDots) {
		strDots = "";
		for (i = 0; i < numDots; i++) {
			strDots += ".";
		document.getElementById("message").innerHTML="Uploading file, please be patient" + strDots;
		if (++numDots >5) {
			numDots = 1;
		setTimeout("setDots(" + numDots + ")", 1000);
	$select = '<select name="file_matchid">';
	while ($match = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
		$selected = $match['matchid'] == $matchid ? "selected='true'" : "";
		$select .= "<option value='$match[matchid]' $selected>$match[winneralias] vs. $match[loseralias] ($match[laddername])</option>";
	$select .= '</select>';
	return $script . '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""; method="POST">
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload_complete">
	<td>Select a match:</td><td>' . $select . '</td>
	<td>Choose a file to upload:</td><td><input name="uploadedfile" type="file" title="Maximum file size is 30MB"/></td>
	<td>Give the file a title:</td><td><input name="file_title" type="text" maxlength="40"/></td>
	<td>Description (optional):</td><td><input name="file_desc" type="text" maxlength="500"></td>
	<div id="message"></div>
	<input type="submit" name="upload_files" onClick=\'setDots(1)\' value="Upload File" />

function complete_file_upload($playerid) {
	$storagedir = STORAGE_DIR;
	$currenttime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	$extension = strrchr($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'], '.');
	$allowedextentions = '/^\.(txt|acmi|zip|7z|rar|trk)$/i';
	if (!preg_match($allowedextentions, $extension)) {
	$filename = md5($currenttime . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']));
	$savename = $storagedir . $filename;
	$matchinfo = array();
	$matchid = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['file_matchid']));
	$matches = mysql_query("SELECT matchdb.*
							FROM matchdb
							LEFT JOIN teammembers ON (matchdb.winnerid=teammembers.teamid) OR (matchdb.loserid=teammembers.teamid)
							WHERE (matchdb.matchid='$matchid')
							AND (teammembers.playerid=$playerid)");
	if (mysql_numrows($matches) <= 0) {
	$match = mysql_fetch_array($matches);
	$matchinfo = array('wteamid' => $match['winnerid'], 'lteamid' => $match['loserid'], 'id' => $match['matchid'], 'ladderid' => $match['ladderid'], 'matchdate' => $match['reportdate']);
	$allowed = "/[^a-z0-9\\040\\-\\_]/i";
	$usersetname = preg_replace($allowed, '' ,$_POST['file_title']) . $extension;
	if (strlen(trim($usersetname)) <= 0) {
		$usersetname = 'noname' . $extension;
	$description = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['file_desc']));
	if (strlen($description) > 1000) {
		$description = substr($description, 0, 1000);
	// everything is set, complete the upload
	if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $savename)) {
		chmod($savename, 0666);
		mysql_query("INSERT INTO tracks VALUES ('', '$matchinfo[id]', '$matchinfo[ladderid]', '$matchinfo[matchdate]', '$playerid', '$matchinfo[wteamid]', '$matchinfo[lteamid]', '$filename', '$usersetname', '$description', '$currenttime')");
		return 'SUCCESS!';
	} else {
		return 'FAIL: ' . $_FILES['uploadedfile']['error'];

// deletes a file from system, and removes record from database if successful.
function delete_file_id($id) {
	$file = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE id='$id'"));
	if (!$file) {
		return 'File not found';
	} else {
		$file_to_delete = STORAGE_DIR . $file['filename'];
		if (unlink($file_to_delete)) {
			mysql_query("DELETE FROM tracks WHERE id='$id'");
			return 'SUCCESS!';
		} else {
			return 'File delete failed';

function get_match_tracks_table($matchid) {
	$tracks = mysql_query("SELECT tracks.*, wteam.teamname AS wteamalias,
							lteam.teamname AS lteamalias, ladders.laddername AS laddername,
							users.alias AS uploaduseralias
							FROM tracks 
							LEFT JOIN teams AS wteam ON (
							LEFT JOIN teams AS lteam ON (
							LEFT JOIN ladders ON (
							LEFT JOIN users ON (
							WHERE matchid='$matchid'
							ORDER BY date ASC");
	if (mysql_numrows($tracks) <= 0) {
		return 'No tracks are available for this match.';
	$match = mysql_fetch_array($tracks);
	mysql_data_seek($tracks, 0);
	$output = '<script type="text/javascript">
		function confirm_download(uname) {
			input_box=confirm("This file is the property of the original uploader. ("
				+ uname + ")\nTCL does not check for malicious files, use at your own risk.");
			return input_box;
	$output .= "<a href='/teams.php?teamid=$match[wteamid]'>$match[wteamalias]</a>
				<a href='/match.php?matchid=$match[matchid]' title='View Match'>vs.</a> <a href='/teams.php?teamid=$match[lteamid]'>$match[lteamalias]</a>
				(<a href='/ladder.php?ladderid=$match[ladderid]'>$match[laddername]</a>)
	$rowclass = 'b';
	$output .= '<script src="/includes/sorttable.js"></script>
				<table class="sortable" width="100%" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
				<tr class="altcolor">
				<td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Track</strong></td><td width="40%"><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Description</strong></td>
				<td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Upload Time</strong></td><td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Uploader</strong></td>
	while ($track = mysql_fetch_array($tracks)) {
		$track['date'] = date_format(new DateTime($track['date']), "n/j/Y g:i a");
		$output .= "<tr class='altcolor$rowclass' cellpadding='10'>
					<td>&nbsp;<a href='/tracks/$track[filename]/$track[title]' onClick='return confirm_download(\"$track[uploaduseralias]\")' title='Download Track'>$track[title]</a></td>
					<td>&nbsp;<a href='/players.php?playerid=$track[uploaduserid]'>$track[uploaduseralias]</a></td>";
		$rowclass = $rowclass == 'a' ? 'b' : 'a';
	$output .= '</table>';
	return $output;

function get_all_tracks_table() {
	$matches = mysql_query('SELECT matchid, wteamid, lteamid, ladderid, matchdate, COUNT(filename) AS numtracks,
						    wteam.teamname AS wteamalias, lteam.teamname AS lteamalias, ladders.laddername AS laddername
							FROM tracks 
							LEFT JOIN teams AS wteam ON (
							LEFT JOIN teams AS lteam ON (
							LEFT JOIN ladders ON (
							GROUP BY matchid
							ORDER BY matchdate DESC');
	$output = '<script src="/includes/sorttable.js"></script>
				<table class="sortable" id="match_table" width="100%" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
				<tr class="altcolor">
				<td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Winner</strong></td><td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Loser</strong></td>
				<td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;League</strong></td><td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Match Date</strong></td>
				<td><strong class="catfont">&nbsp;Tracks Available</strong></td>
	$rowclass = 'b';
	while ($match = mysql_fetch_array($matches)) {
		$match['matchdate'] = date_format(new DateTime($match['matchdate']), "n/j/Y");
		// <a href='/match.php?matchid=$match[matchid]' title='View Match'>vs.</a> 
		$output .= "<tr class='altcolor$rowclass' cellpadding='10'>
					<td>&nbsp;<a href='/teams.php?teamid=$match[wteamid]'>$match[wteamalias]</a></td>
					<td>&nbsp;<a href='/teams.php?teamid=$match[lteamid]'>$match[lteamalias]</a></td>
					<td>&nbsp;<a href='/ladder.php?ladderid=$match[ladderid]'>$match[laddername]</a></td>
					<td>&nbsp;<a href='/tracks.php?action=viewmatch&matchid=$match[matchid]'>View Tracks (<font color='#0099FF'>$match[numtracks]</font>)</a></td>
		$rowclass = $rowclass == 'a' ? 'b' : 'a';
	$output .= '</table>';
	return $output;

// debugging only
function get_all_tracks_table_admin() {
	$tracks = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tracks");
	$trackshtml = '<table>';
	if (mysql_numrows($tracks) < 1) {
		$trackshtml .= "<tr><td>There are no tracks available for download yet.</td></tr>";
	while ($track = mysql_fetch_array($tracks)) {
		$trackshtml .= "<tr><td><a href='$track[matchid]'>View Match</a></td>
						<td><a href='/tracks/$track[filename]/$track[title]' title='$track[description]'>$track[title]</a></td>
						<td><a href='/tracks.php?action=delete_file&delete=$track[id]'>Delete Track</a></td></tr>";
	$trackshtml .= '</table>';
	return $trackshtml;


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