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load data infile
Posted by: junaid khan
Date: July 16, 2008 03:14AM

i want to read data from text file which is on ftp server & store it in MySQL DB.
For ex mytextfile contains

data1 data2 data3
data4 data5 data6

all data are tab seprated.i have written below query to read textfile & load it in mysql DB.but it is not aading first fields of each row into database.but as soon as i gave tab on first field also then it is working fine.i m not getting where i m wrong please help.
thnks in adv.

load data infile 'mytextfile.txt' into table mytable FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2008 03:17AM by junaid khan.

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load data infile
July 16, 2008 03:14AM

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