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Re: Help using Design-Time Controls with MySql
Posted by: Wayne Stemple
Date: October 28, 2005 10:42AM

I too am getting this error and cannot seem to find a resolution.

I have a working page that now uses an Access db. I am in the process of converting the code over to use MySQL 5.0. All of my converted page are working just great, except when I get to this update one. The RS is opened using a common function and the following parms: adUseClient, adOpenKeyset & adLockPessimistic. The error rears it's ugly head when I go to store the new value back in the RS: rs("DeptName") = sTmp

When I change my connection string to point to the Access db, all is good.

Suggestions? I am using the most current ODBC driver from the site.


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Re: Help using Design-Time Controls with MySql
October 28, 2005 10:42AM

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