I am trying to design a simple web page which has some level of security maintained by the SQL backend.
Currently my plan (I am still new to SQL) is to have a "guest" SQL user who can create other users.
I want my default web interface allow people to "register" and then log in using the newly created user name.
However, I am not sure how this maps into mySQL. It seems that an unprivileged "guest" will not be able to create users with different permissions (understandably).
I want to only allow the guest user "CREATE USER" privilege and nothing else for security reasons. However, I cannot see how I can create a new user with different privileges (e.g. with ability to create a new SCHEMA).
This must be a common problem which already has a solution? Any ideas will be appreciated.
I originally thought of allowing the "Guest" user to execute a PROCEDURE which creates the user (which I was hoping runs under root privileges). It turns out this is a dead end as the PROCEDURE cannot pass user and password information to the CREATE USER/ GRANT SQL commands.... :(
Help please!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2009 08:09AM by Frederik Lotter.