hsqldb to mysql migtration issues
Posted by: David Senter
Date: November 10, 2010 10:04AM

I'm having issues migrating an hsqldb to mysql using the migration toolkit. There are a few sites I've consulted for the correct way to do this:


In the connection string for the source database I've put
jdbc.hsqldb:file:C:\Program Files\<path to db>\<database name no extenstion>
jdbc.hsqldb:file:C:\Program Files\<path to db>\

I keep getting the same error when connecting to servers:

Connecting to source database and retrieve schemata names.
The list of schema names could not be retrieved (error: 0).
ReverseEngineeringGeneric.getSchemata :Bad version number in .class file

I can't figure out whats causing this. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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hsqldb to mysql migtration issues
November 10, 2010 10:04AM

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