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utf8.xml? Need to search "C++" and "C#"
Posted by: Nigel Kehler
Date: April 23, 2008 04:39PM

I am updating a slow query that uses %LIKE% variables across multiple columns and tables, and have multiple full-text indexes for each table, for a job search application.

People need to search things like "C++" and "C#" but these currently return 0 entries because "+" and "#" are not word characters. The data is set to UTF8 charset and I would like to keep it that way.

However, I cannot find a utf8.xml file in the charset folder to add + and # as valid word characters.

So anyways, how do I do this without changing the charset, and without having recompile mysql.

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utf8.xml? Need to search "C++" and "C#"
April 23, 2008 04:39PM

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