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Double Quotes and Full-Text Search -- Memory Exhaustion
Posted by: techupin techu
Date: March 18, 2015 07:30AM


I have a table with approximately 4 million rows. The DB Engine is InnoDB.

One of the columns is a Full-Text Index.

when I do a match(X) against ('Y')... I get the results.

when I do a match(X) against ('"Y"')... the memory gets exhausted and I get an error

``ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query''

the reason for using double quotes in my against phrase is that I actually have a do a match against two consecutive words, .e.g., against('"food chain"').

I tried fiddling with the max_allowed_packet with different values in the increasing order, but no luck.

Any help greatly appreciated.



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Double Quotes and Full-Text Search -- Memory Exhaustion
March 18, 2015 07:30AM

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