Hie there good people.
I've a small challenge here. I want to build an Employment Agency such that people will be able to search for jobs and all other related search functions.
I have read the MySQL manual and it say that if a word appears 50% or more in the rows it will be regarded as a stopword
..........The stopword list applies. In addition, words that are present in more than 50% of the rows are considered common and do not match. .....
Now i see the site is going to be used mainly by IT companies therefore there can be a likelyhood that words like 'Java' and 'VB' will appear more that 50% of the time in the database. MySQL developers thinks it might not produce desired results, but for a site as small as mine these are the desired and best results.
I think the issue of deciding when a word becomes a stopword should be left to the developer and not decided by MySQL, since these are particular to a given domain, i mean 'Java' might be enunsense when looking for tutorials but not when you looking for a job, and you would want to see all the available Java jobs.
Is there a work around for this??? I really need to get this going in no time. I can't contemplate myself changing databases at this stage of development.
Any related help is welcome.