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Am I missunderstanding the syntax?
Posted by: Alex Ramirez
Date: May 10, 2006 09:01AM

Hi. I'm looking for the SQL to accomplish this:

I need, full text search to get this done:

('word1*' AND 'word2*') OR ('word1+word2')

This is, be able to search for some like:

('apple*' AND 'banana*') OR ('applebanana')

And I'm sure that one of my rows has this in the field I'm looking into:

"oranges applepie banana milk"

Hence should be returned because of the 'apple*' AND because of the 'banana*'.

According to the MySQL doc, I need to do this, to search my field:

SELECT myfield FROM mytable WHERE
MATCH (myfield) AGAINST ('(+apple* +banana*) applebanana' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

But that returns nothing.

By using this:

SELECT myfield FROM mytable WHERE
MATCH (myfield) AGAINST ('(+apple* +banana*) aaaaa' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

I do get the result I want, becasue nothing matches the 'aaaaa' and hence I must be doing something wrong. Possibly, because 'applebanana' is within the scope of the '+apple*' part, but I still cannot find a way to get this simple ((A AND B) OR (A+B)) with the strings.

What am I doing wrong?
How can I get this ('apple*' AND 'banana*') OR ('applebanana') done?

Any help will be appreciated.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2006 09:26AM by Alex Ramirez.

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Am I missunderstanding the syntax?
May 10, 2006 09:01AM

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