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does bit type removed in new version or never esist before
Posted by: Benson zhang
Date: April 14, 2009 09:07PM

When I write hibernate mapping file, there is a attribute, it's type is boolean, according to my reference book the mapping type is bit. but when I push enter key,
I get the follow message:
Error 1178(42000) : The storage engin for the table doesn't supprot BIT FIELD.

so, I asked does bit type removed in new MySQL version.

my ddl is:
mysql> create table CUSTOMERS(
-> ID bigint not null primary key,
-> NAME varchar(15) not null,
-> EMAIL varchar(128) not null,
-> PASSWORD varchar(8) not null,
-> PHONE int,
-> ADDRESS varchar(255),
-> SEX CHAR(1),
-> IS_MARRIED bit,
-> IMAGE blob,
-> BIRTHDAY date,
-> REGISTERED_TIME timestamp
-> );

Best regards

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does bit type removed in new version or never esist before
April 14, 2009 09:07PM

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