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Connect to MySQL failed
Posted by: Andrea Kaiser
Date: May 04, 2023 04:58AM

I have a Windows 11 Pro that I use as a server. One PC with Windows 10 Pro connects to the MySQL Server on this Windows 11 Pro server (Version 5.5.50). This worked for years, but after a Windows update I get the following error message:

ExecCmd: SET sql_mode = ''

[FireDAC][Comp][Clnt]-512. Verbindung ist nicht für [] festgelegt. Mögliche Ursache: Die Eigenschaftswerte von Connection und ConnectionName sind beide leer

(english: Connection is not set for []. Possible cause: The property values of Connection and ConnectionName are both empty)

Fehler in der Datenbankverbindung
[FireDAC][Phys][MySQL] Host 'DESKTOP-AP29UM' (the windows 10 client) is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

(english: Database connection error. Host 'DESKTOP-AP29UM' (the windows 10 client) is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server)

The connection is with the IP of the server, port 3306, user 'root', no password. In my code I never set the sql_mode or any ConnectionName.
I have no clue why this all of a sudden happens. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

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Connect to MySQL failed
May 04, 2023 04:58AM

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