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Export geants database
Posted by: loriot alban
Date: August 25, 2015 03:41AM

Hello every one,

I have a problem, I need to transfert my database from a server to another.

The problem is some table have more than 20 millions entrees and when I do a myslqdump in ssh the machine start and finished by cancelling the dump.

the .sql dumped file is at 0 bite...

How to migrate my database if I can not do dumps ?

I have tried to copy in ftp all the files in

But when I put them in the new server

I ajust the permissions and the owner as mysql:mysql

and the result is

SQL show index from `InfResp_blacklist` failed : Table 'crossborder.InfResp_blacklist' doesn't exist

I don't know how I can igrate y database from a server to another

Any suggestions ?

By the way I am on a Centos 6.5

Alban Loriot

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Export geants database
August 25, 2015 03:41AM

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