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Backup MySQL MyISAM databases by copying the physical files
Posted by: Timothy Mifsud
Date: April 01, 2016 08:58AM

Hi, I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine and on it I have 2 MySQL MyISAM databases. These databases are quite large as they are over 20GB in combined size.

I update these databases once a week. (I disable my web site in the process - but this is OK for me). I then switch off the MySQL server instance, and copy over the physical folders to another backup folder (datestamped - eg: CB1_17_03_2016) on the same server.

What I noticed lately is, though, that in the backup folders, the individual files (or most of them) - .MYD, .MYI, etc. have a different (older) modified date/time than the files in the actual MySQL data folder. It's like the files were copied WITHOUT the changes just made. I am using the following code in a .bat file to copy the data files:

REM Switch off MySQL service, backup the newly updated folders, and switch on MySQL service again.

SET BackupFolder=C:\Backups\Data

FOR /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%d in ("%date%") DO SET Folder1=%BackupFolder%\CB1_%%d_%%e_%%f
FOR /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/ " %%d in ("%date%") DO SET Folder2=%BackupFolder%\CB2_%%d_%%e_%%f

SET MySqlFolder=...the folder where the MySQL data files are...
robocopy "%MySqlFolder%\cb1" "%Folder1%"
robocopy "%MySqlFolder%\cb2" "%Folder2%"

cd "%MySQLPath%" (set to MySql.exe location)

This copying occurs immediately after updating the tables. Do I need to issue a FLUSH TABLES or something like that before switching off the MySQL instance and copying the files?

Thanks in advance,

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Backup MySQL MyISAM databases by copying the physical files
April 01, 2016 08:58AM

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