Problem With Datetime Fields when Inserting Record
Hi there i am trying to run this insert statement into my MySQL DB but am gettin the following error message
"ERROR [HYT00] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.24-community-nt]Incorrect datetime value: '16/10/2006 10:32:55' for column 'datetimeopen' at row 1 "
This is the statement i am running to get this error
insert into service (customer,contact,contact_no,status,assigned2,datetimeopen,datetimeassign,calltype,probcode,fixcode,details,solution) values
('CAB001', 'Andy','', 'Assigned', 'Andrew Brown','16/10/2006 10:32:55','16/10/2006 09:33:56', , 103)','Breakdown','No Dispense 1 Prod', 'Replaced Faulty Cooler','Testing','')
Please can anyone help