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MySQL 4.1 fails when 4.0 doesn't on Apple Mac
Posted by: Andrew Blee
Date: April 20, 2005 07:16AM

Using the "Standard" install package from MySQL Web site. Running Apple Mac/MacOS X 10.3.9.

Create an InnoDB table with 1 INT field and 11 TEXT fields.

Create an index on the INT field of type "PRIMARY".

In the first 10 text fields, enter as many "a" characters as phpMyAdmin will allow. This is 32000 characters in each field. Leave the last text field empty. Click "Go" to save the changes. This should save without any problems.

Then copy/paste field 10 to field 11 and click "Go". This results in a "#1030 - Got error 139 from storage engine" error.

If I remove the characters little by little at some point it will work, suggesting a size problem.

What has changed from 4.0.xx to 4.1.11 to cause this problem?

Note: I can produce the same problem via PHP so the problem is not with phpMyAdmin, and is not server specific as it happens at our ISP also.

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MySQL 4.1 fails when 4.0 doesn't on Apple Mac
April 20, 2005 07:16AM

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