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how to calculate the GB RAM,rpm,CPU frequency
Posted by: marius hagiu
Date: January 07, 2005 06:40AM

i need some help
i have to work on a mysql/java application for an economic can i find out which are the tehnical requirements of my application.i'll give some data about the application:
-500+ workstations connected to the mysql server
-about 1 000 000 queries/day
-80% of the queries select
-the greatest select is using 4 tables (inner join)
-9000 tables(i can squize that number)
-replication and other backup technics like cron

How can i calculate the amount of raw power(CPU,RAM,rpm) to use on a mysql server depending on the mean load of the server,number of tables,concurent threads ...
Anyone pls help
At least tell me where can i found valuable information
Thanks in advance

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how to calculate the GB RAM,rpm,CPU frequency
January 07, 2005 06:40AM

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