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ODBC connect to MySQL 5.1.73 on NAS works but fails in MS Access
Posted by: Daniel Heinz
Date: December 22, 2018 10:05AM


I´m trying to uses Microsoft Access (latest Office 365 version, x64) in order to connect to a mysql 5.1.73 database running on my NAS (Zyxel NAS326). 5.1.73 is the latest version available.
I´m using "mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.11-winx64" - version 8.x is not working - "bad handshake error".
I can create an ODBC Data Source (MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver), which connects perfectly to the database - test is successful (using port 3306).
I can create an ODBC connection in MS Access- after openig a table in Access, database entries are shown, but after some seconds of scrolling trough the table, I get "ODBC connection failed" errors. Instead of the database entries, I see "#Name?" (language is German). I can´t create queries - "ODBC connection failed".
Ideas, please?

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ODBC connect to MySQL 5.1.73 on NAS works but fails in MS Access
December 22, 2018 10:05AM

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