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Access SQL statement to MySQL
Posted by: Mark M
Date: December 11, 2010 02:20PM

I am about to migrate from MS Access to MySQL. Here's a SQL statement that causes problems:

FROM (aatblAnschriften LEFT JOIN SUBSELECT_AATEST ON aatblAnschriften.AnsID = SUBSELECT_AATEST.AnsID) LEFT JOIN aaCountries ON aatblAnschriften.countryID = aaCountries.countryID
WHERE aatblAnschriften.AdatID = MMColParam2 AND ans_online = 1
ORDER BY test_rcvd DESC

Here's the SUBSELECT statement:

FROM aaTest LEFT JOIN aastatus ON aaTest.statusID = aastatus.statusID
WHERE (((aaTest.[test_rcvd]) In (Select max(test_rcvd) from aaTest WHERE test_online = 1 group by Ansid)) AND ((aaTest.statusID)<>4));

Can you help me migrating it? I am not sure how to migrate subselects, plus testing the subselect only statement, I get many error messages.

Your help is much appreciated,

Thanks, Markus

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Access SQL statement to MySQL
December 11, 2010 02:20PM

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