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VBScript working with new MYSQL DB, but I can't update changes via ODBC
Posted by: Peter McConnel
Date: January 27, 2019 01:35PM


I have successfully migrated my Access databases to MYSQL 5.7 using Workbench 8.0 on a winServer 2012 machine. The pages are showing data and I'm going about changing the connect scripts in hundreds of pages of a site that I built in 1999.

I'm sticking with VBSCRIPT for now (One big change at a time ;-). The problem is that I can't get rs.update to work when I try to update db from the web. I get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[MySQL][ODBC 8.0(w) Driver][mysqld-5.7.20-log]Build WHERE -> insert_fields() failed.

This is my conn script connecting to three tables:

<%Set Conn_Main = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn_Main.Open "DSN=vpa_main;"

Set rsP = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsP.CursorLocation = 3
rsP.Open "SELECT * FROM people ORDER BY name_last" , conn_main, 3, 3

Set rsS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsS.CursorLocation = 3
rsS.Open "SELECT * FROM schools ORDER BY name" , conn_main, 3, 3

Set rsSU = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsSU.CursorLocation = 3
rsSU.Open "SELECT * FROM su ORDER BY name" , conn_main, 3, 3%>

Then the script in the page opening the "schools" table as a dataset:

Set rsUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SQL = "SELECT * FROM schools WHERE ID = " & SID SQL, conn_main, 3, 3

I'm connectiong using the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit), Unicode.

The user is root with all permissions.

I'm stuck!!

Any help would be great!


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VBScript working with new MYSQL DB, but I can't update changes via ODBC
January 27, 2019 01:35PM

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