"Illegal mix of collations" problem
Posted by: Richard Fearn
Date: January 12, 2006 09:46AM


I am experimenting with character sets and have encountered a problem that I do not understand.

I have installed MySQL 5.0.18 onto a Windows XP SP2 machine and used the default character set of latin1:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'vers%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| version | 5.0.18-nt |
| version_comment | MySQL Community Edition (GPL) |
| version_compile_machine | ia32 |
| version_compile_os | Win32 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

When connecting to the server as root the character and collation variables are as follows:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'char%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| character_set_client | latin1 |
| character_set_connection | latin1 |
| character_set_database | latin1 |
| character_set_results | latin1 |
| character_set_server | latin1 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | D:\Program Files\... |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'coll%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I then USE a database which has a default collation of latin1_general_cs. The collation_database variable is updated accordingly:

mysql> USE UserManagement;
Database changed

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'coll%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database | latin1_general_cs |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I have a table called "tblUser", and the table itself, along with all its text columns, have collation "latin1_general_cs":

mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE tblUser;
| tblUser | CREATE TABLE `tbluser` (
`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Username` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
`FirstName` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
`LastName` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
`Email` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
`Password` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
`Active` int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
UNIQUE KEY `unq_tblUser_Username` (`Username`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_cs |

I have a stored procedure which determines if a username and password are valid:

CREATE PROCEDURE uspCheckUserPassword (IN pUsername VARCHAR(20),
IN pPassword VARCHAR(20), OUT result INT)
DECLARE userid_test INT;

SELECT ID INTO userid_test FROM tblUser WHERE Username = pUsername
AND Password = pPassword AND Active = 1;
IF userid_test IS NULL THEN
SET result = 0;
SET result = 1;


If I run the query in this SP directly, it executes fine:

mysql> SELECT ID FROM tblUser WHERE Username = "richard" AND Password = "rich" AND Active = 1;
| ID |
| 40 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

However, if I execute the stored procedure, I get an "Illegal mix of collations" error:

mysql> CALL uspCheckUserPassword("richard", "rich", @a);
ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations
and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

I know there was a bug in MySQL where parameters were being passed into SPs as BINARY, but this was fixed in 5.0.18, which I am using. More details about that bug can be found here:


I've placed the query SELECT CHARSET(pUsername) into my SP, and the result is always latin1 (as expected - bug 13909 is fixed). If I put SELECT COLLATION(pUsername) into the SP instead, the result is as follows:

mysql> CALL uspCheckUserPassword("richard", "rich", @a);
| COLLATION(pUsername) |
| latin1_swedish_ci |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Even if I specify that the parameter is latin1_general_cs, MySQL seems to ignore this and gives latin1_swedish_ci to my SP:

mysql> call uspCheckUserPassword(_latin1 "richard" COLLATE latin1_general_cs, "rich", @a);
| COLLATION(pUsername) |
| latin1_swedish_ci |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Is this a bug? Is MySQL using the default collation for the character set that I am passing in, rather than the specific collation that I specify?

I get the same result (latin1_swedish_ci) even if I set the collation variables to latin1_general_cs:

mysql> show variables like 'coll%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_general_cs |
| collation_database | latin1_general_cs |
| collation_server | latin1_general_cs |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> call uspCheckUserPassword(_latin1 "richard" COLLATE latin1_general_cs, "rich", @a);
| COLLATION(pUsername) |
| latin1_swedish_ci |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Richard Fearn

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"Illegal mix of collations" problem
January 12, 2006 09:46AM
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