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Re: Do I have to re write querries when Partitioning?
Posted by: Rick James
Date: September 03, 2010 07:26PM

PRIMARY KEY (`id`), -- Yes, id is your PK
KEY `part_of_keywords` (`keywords`(30)), -- here's on INDEX
KEY `part_of_category` (`category`), -- here's another
KEY `part_of_country` (`country`(10)),
KEY `part_of_zip` (`zip`),

"INDEX" == "KEY"

PARTITION would make it fast to dump old records. You can probably do that with an ALTER PARTITION instead of DELETE.

To establish partitioning on the table, you would have to make some kind of clumsy change to the PRIMARY KEY.

No changes to INSERT, SELECT, etc are needed.

Any SELECT that does not reference what you are partitioning on will have to search every partition. This means that it is no faster, possibly slower, than if you had a single table.

What do your SELECTs look like?

SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'yspnash_auctions' \G

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Re: Do I have to re write querries when Partitioning?
September 03, 2010 07:26PM
September 06, 2010 11:38PM
September 06, 2010 11:39PM

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