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Re: full text query on lookup table
Posted by: Erik Rooijmans
Date: August 10, 2010 05:53AM

Hi Rick,

Thanks for you reply.
The main reason for my question is that the query should be generated dynamicly.
But suppose I have a dropdown list on a webpage, which has the the following 2 options, Animal and Car. Whenever I select the Animal i would like to create the match statement using where match ('Dog', 'Cat').
This was just an example.

In real life my table books would be a table reports containing reports from let's say 650 characters. (That's why I need full-text searching).
If I would type in a keword in a webpage and start full-text searching I would like to search on different possibilities of that keyword, because different people write reports in a different way.

A good example would be:
1.) I would like to full text search for the text 'people' in the reports.
2.) The query executed should be where match against 'many people', 'much people', 'a lot of people'. (We want these 3 different options because 3 different people might write in their report 'a lot of people' in different ways.

I was thinking if we could you a table with a foreign key on people having each possible way of reporting.

Does this example make it more clear for you?

Please let me know if not,



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August 05, 2010 01:46AM
August 07, 2010 12:09PM
Re: full text query on lookup table
August 10, 2010 05:53AM
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