Re: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
Posted by: Mark Matthews
Date: November 06, 2014 01:36PM

Hi Eduardo,

How exactly did you fill out the "create new connection" form? Specifically, you need to use a user with the correct privileges (they are spelled out in the help (?) icon next to each), so if you put in a user that doesn't have privileges to create new users (as an example), and then told MEM to auto-manage new users, you could run into this error.

If you gave us a little more detail about how exactly you filled out this form, and where you saw this error message, it would be helpful.

(I have personally tested using MEM-3.0 to monitor RDS instances, and when users with the correct privileges are used, it works fine).


Mark Matthews
Consulting Member Technical Staff - MySQL Enterprise Tools

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Re: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
November 06, 2014 01:36PM

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