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Re: text vs varchar
Posted by: hua kai
Date: May 02, 2016 08:02PM

Øystein Grøvlen, Rick

Thank you very much for your answer

So here is my conclusion for (innodb):

1. At storage level, they are same, Short values will be stored on same page as rest of row, long values will be stored on separate pages.

2. When fetching data from INNODB(no temporary table considered), the server will allocate memory for VARCHAR even if they are not read in select sql, but TEXT will not. So it's better to use TEXT instead of VARCHAR if defined in a same table, or if you want to use VARCHAR which is seldom used, it's better to define in a separated table

3. When temporary table case, VARCHAR(n) when n < 512, could use tmp table in memory. n > 512 or text, it can not use memory, will create tmp table on disk

Am I correct?

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Re: text vs varchar
May 02, 2016 08:02PM
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