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PHP Form Sends Incorrect Info?
Posted by: Ryan Barr
Date: August 24, 2004 01:56PM

Unfortuneately, since the project I am working on is the Beta Version of BPHP, I cannot release any previews to the public. Although, if needed, I can give any needed PHP scripts.

My problem is that I have a registration form. After inputting information, it added s to every field with a variable in it. Although, the very last column was just text which was uncontrollable by the form, and it came out as should (User).

Now, anyone have a clue what could be going on? Here are two links to the censored (edited private info) codings.

The Registration Form:
The Registration Processor:

Thank you for any help :).

Ryan Barr (Spooky)
( Employee) ( Owner)

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PHP Form Sends Incorrect Info?
August 24, 2004 01:56PM

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