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Re: Error 1044 access denied for user @ localhost
Posted by: Sten Kroonenberg
Date: March 02, 2005 07:36PM

What it seems like to me is that 'user'@'localhost' does not permissions to view all databases.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost'
-> IDENTIFIED BY 'password'

This would allow 'user' all privileges to any database.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO 'user'@'localhost'
-> IDENTIFIED BY 'password'

This would allow 'user' all privileges on just the test Db.

Check what access 'user' has by loging in as 'root' and checking the user table in the mysql database as to what permisions the user has.

(logged in as root)

mysql>use mysql;
database changed
mysql>select * from user \G;

What I would do is log in as 'root' and setup an every day account that is able to access, modify, update etc... all databases but still has limited access compared with the 'root' account so you do not make accidental changes that could leave your system vulnerable.

Hope this helps you,



Robert Hancock wrote:
> I have recently installed Mysql onto my machine
> running windows XP Pro and using IIS.
> everything seems to be fine and I can manipulate
> and do what I want with the default test database
> that you get as standard but I cannot create a new
> database or access the MySql database which should
> also be there as a standard, it throws up the
> error stated in the title.
> Does anyone know what I have done wrong or what I
> need to configure in order to get it running
> correctly.
> Hop someone can help
> Rob Hancock

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Re: Error 1044 access denied for user @ localhost
March 02, 2005 07:36PM

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