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Re: References to tables being case sensitive
Posted by: Jonathan Stephens
Date: March 13, 2005 01:55AM

Windows, unlike nearly every other operating system, ignores case. In order to maximise portability across operating systems and programming languages, the best practise is to observe case-sensitivity for all identifiers in your MySQL applications, but not to depend on it to differentiate between them.

In other words, if you name a table ¨Report¨, always refer to it as ¨Report¨ and not as ¨report¨ or ¨REPORT¨. Don´t try to name any other table ¨report¨ or ¨REPORT¨.

More info:

Jon Stephens
MySQL Documentation Team @ Oracle

MySQL Dev Zone
MySQL Server Documentation

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Re: References to tables being case sensitive
March 13, 2005 01:55AM

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