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select for one and for all
Posted by: Stephen Morawski
Date: April 28, 2008 11:15AM

Trying to keep this simple,
I have many pickers and I am looking to find:
How many apples, how many oranges picked today and total of all fruit so far for each picker..

[picker] [apples] [oranges [date]
a 0 50 20080102
b 0 75 20080102
c 0 30 20080102
a 20 0 20080103
b 50 0 20080103
c 10 0 20080103
a 0 95 20080104
b 100 0 20080104
c 0 85 20080104

The results I am trying to get are something like what follows:
[picker] [apples] [oranges] [date] [total fruit]
a 0 95 20080104 165
b 100 0 20080104 225
c 0 85 20080104 125

I can can easily get the most current rows for each picker
select picker, apples, oranges from work where date='20080104',
I can easily get the total fruit for each picker
select picker, (sum(apples) + sum(oranges)) from work group by picker,
I just cannot seem to cram it all in one sql query.

I have looked at 'WITH ROLLUP' but it does not seem to do what I need to do.

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select for one and for all
April 28, 2008 11:15AM

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