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Re: [SOLVED!] Ascii text boxes disappear when query output is redirected
Posted by: Michael Lueck
Date: August 21, 2010 03:25PM

Ken Butcher gets the prize for the correct answer!

Ken Butcher wrote:
> If you want to retain the table formatting, use the --table (-t) option

His site I found quite useful:
and his answer solved the mystery of where the ascii art table was disappearing to.

The working syntax is as follows:

MYSQL='/usr/bin/mysql -u uid --password=****** db'
$MYSQL -te 'SELECT DISTINCT `message`, `location`, `referer` FROM `watchdog` WHERE `referer` LIKE "" AND `type` = "page not found" ORDER BY `location`, `referer`;'

And usage is as I posted originally:

./ 2>&1 | /usr/bin/mailx -s "Test Query Email" root

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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